A Call for Submissions

Dear John,

To increase the breadth and depth of content on our website, we'd like your input.

You are invited to submit short articles, videos, and other creative formats for the following new features:

  • That's Capitalism. This short feature explores aspects of the system that affect every-day life. Here's the latest entry.

  • Book reviews. Have you read a good book lately? Send us a short review.

  • Health care. This is a major issue in the 2020 elections. What are the important struggles in health care? What specific crises are we facing? What does health care look like from a nurse's point of view? A patient's? What are the myths and realities of health care in countries worldwide?

Articles and videos that draw on practical experience and club activities are especially welcome. Please limit articles to 300–700 words and videos to 2–5 minutes. Send us your submissions in various formats: written commentary, video, audio, cartoons, or slide shows. Get creative!

Send your submissions or ideas to [email protected].

In solidarity,

The Website Collective

Communist Party USA
235 W. 23rd Street, 7th floor
New York, NY 10011
(Visits by appointment only)
Tel : 212-989-4994
Fax :212-229-1713
Email :
[email protected]

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