Would you stand up for moral values at UC
Berkeley? |
 Dear John xxxxxx,
The University of California -- Berkeley is SUPER liberal.
But TFP Student Action went there
anyway. You won’t
believe what happened.
The radical liberals were absolutely stunned:
-- “Are you sure you know where you are?” one asked.
-- “Yes, of course we know,” replied my TFP colleague.
But the lefty said:
“No. You don't understand... Do
you really, really know where you are? This is Berkeley!”
So there we were on the middle of campus with our tall TFP banner fluttering
majestically in the wind. Very, very visible.
And just in case the banner was missed, students could hear the bagpipes echoing off the buildings loud and clear.
Yes, we knew where we were.
And we had a clear mission: Promote moral values and the sanctity of
God’s marriage.
In no time, a box of 2,000 TFP pro-family leaflets was stolen. Then we found out where it went – inside a metal trash can that was
set on fire by pro-LGBT partisans.
The fire department rushed in to put out the fire. The police arrived too.
I wish you could have been there with us -- shoulder to shoulder --
to feel the challenge.
And you can. Since you
probably can’t put your life “on hold” to join us on the campuses of America as a full-time volunteer, here’s the next best
thing. Can you
sponsor our work for moral values as a Guardian of Truth -- a long distance crusader in this great effort to save the family, defend the
unborn, and stop transgenderism in schools and classrooms?
For example:
-- A monthly gift of $9.00 will help us print the steady stream of pro-family handouts to reach more students.
-- And a monthly gift of
$26.00 (quarter tank of gas) will help us reach one extra campus a month.
Please click here to join our special team
To reach all our goals this semester and keep TFP Student Action operations running successfully, we need to find 100 new
supporters this week. In
fact, the Guardians of Truth are like long distance missionaries who share the work, suffering, victories, and sorrows of each TFP
volunteer. Behind the
scenes, known only to God and His Blessed Mother, the Guardians of Truth are the souls that make TFP’s work possible.
Click here to reach more students today with a
message for moral values.
Together, we will expand this worthy cause for God and make a big difference.
Thank you for fighting the good fight,
 John Ritchie
TFP Student Action Director
www.tfpstudentaction.org |
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TFP Student Action
1358 Jefferson Road