Over the past decade with Governor Jay Inslee in charge, Washington state's government expenses have skyrocketed, more than doubling in cost. For those not keen on crunching the numbers, it means the state is now taking over two dollars for every dollar it spent in 2013, thanks to Inslee and his Democrat pals in the state legislature.
Shift Washington
The Shift WA team has been working to shift the political debate in Washington state since 2013. We’ve spent the last decade providing people like you with the facts and perspectives needed to make a difference in your community. So, as always, we hope to keep you up-to-date with an item or two of interest from your own backyard. Read on…
This week’s need-to-know story…
With Jay Inslee no longer in the running, some media are finally finding it's time to scrutinize his record. A fresh controversy reveals that the Department of Commerce funneled $500 million in federal aid to over 25,000 Washington businesses with limited oversight. This scandal follows a 2021 review citing Commerce’s non-compliance with federal requirements. Furthermore, an Inslee appointee, now running for Spokane mayor, was the one in charge of the debacle. Read this story and more.
This week’s top story…
The proponents of Governor Jay Inslee's cap and trade/carbon tax law wasted no time demanding more money be diverted towards their favored projects, rather than on higher priority environmental concerns. The debate surrounding the allocation of funds from the carbon-pricing scheme hardly touches upon environmental or emission-related issues. Unfortunately for ther special interests, a significant portion of the early carbon tax revenue is being channeled into a new government bureaucracy, leaving fewer resources for other interests and raising questions about the tax's true purpose. Read this story and more.
In case you missed it…
This week we're looking back at our Newsmaker Interview with Andrea Suarez, Founder and Executive Director of the non-profit volunteer organization We Heart Seattle. In a very short time the group has made a significant impact in cleaning up encampments and helping people get off the streets. Created during the height of the COVID pandemic in 2020, when homeless encampments were filling Seattle’s parks, sidewalks, and other public places, We Heart Seattle challenged the status quo regarding how best to help those struggling with drugs and homelessness. Along the way, they have encountered protests by a small group of extremists harrassing volunteers who have cleaned up encampments and attempted to help those who were suffering.
In her interview, Suarez described the creation and mission of We Heart Seattle and explained why the group has ruffled the feathers of many in Seattle’s establishment. She stated her appreciation for some of Seattle’s public officials who are finally acknowledging the impact of the group’s efforts, and Suarez encouraged everyone to use their “superpower” of voting. She explained why the devotion to “housing first” philosophy and using the wrong data points are hampering the city’s ability to help those suffering on the streets. Finally, Suarez outlined how Shift readers can help We Heart Seattle in their efforts. Read more...
Your bit of inspiration for the week…
Enjoy the serenity captured by former U.S. Rep. Rod Chandler in his photo of Mt. Rainier.