From Pew Research Center: Religion & Public Life <[email protected]>
Subject With religion-related rulings on the horizon, U.S. Christians see Supreme Court favorably
Date March 4, 2020 8:04 PM
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Christians are more likely than religiously unaffiliated Americans to see the Supreme Court favorably

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March 4, 2020

** Religion & Public Life

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** With religion-related rulings on the horizon, U.S. Christians see Supreme Court favorably ([link removed])

The U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments today about a Louisiana law that restricts access to abortions and is among several recent state laws designed to challenge Roe v. Wade. There also are other cases on the docket that could have long-term implications for issues tied to religion.

While a 62% majority of U.S. adults overall have a favorable opinion of the court, Christians are more likely than religiously unaffiliated Americans to see it favorably (69% vs. 51%). A new analysis ([link removed]) also looks at whether Americans see the Supreme Court as friendly, neutral or unfriendly toward religion in particular, and whether they think Roe v. Wade should be overturned.

** Media mentions

The Holocaust comes to a vote ([link removed])

March 3 - Politico Magazine

Are Sanders, Buttigieg, Warren and Biden religious? It depends on your politics ([link removed])

Feb. 27 - The Washington Post *

** In the news

Supreme Court appears split after hearing first major abortion case with strong conservative majority ([link removed])

March 4 - CNN

Virus halts pilgrimages to Mecca, Friday prayers in Iran ([link removed])

March 4 - The Associated Press

Worship in the age of coronavirus: Prayer, elbow bumps, hand sanitizer ([link removed])

March 3 - The New York Times *

Colombia court upholds law restricting access to abortion ([link removed])

March 3 - The Associated Press

#SkipAIPAC comes from new generation of Jewish activists ([link removed])

March 2 - The Washington Post *

Vatican opens archives of Holocaust-era Pope Pius XII ([link removed])

March 2 - BBC News

Putin’s new amendments revere God, ban same-sex marriages ([link removed])

March 2 - The Associated Press

Argentina set to become first major Latin American country to legalize abortion ([link removed])

March 1 - The Guardian

As India counts dead, brutality of Hindu-Muslim riot emerges ([link removed])

Feb. 29 - The Associated Press

Activism cuts into the political might of S.C. black church ([link removed])

Feb. 28 - The Associated Press

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