From Ruben Gallego for Arizona <[email protected]>
Subject Trump and Lake
Date October 22, 2023 1:12 PM
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Look at these two.

Two election deniers. Two conspiracy theorists. Two extremists. Two losers.

But do not underestimate them.

Because if we don’t make the most of every single day from now until Election Day, they could beat us.

They will do everything they can. They will spend millions of dollars in Arizona. They’ll lie, they’ll cheat, they’ll tear Ruben down in the press.

And if they’re successful, Trump could have a second term as President. Kari Lake could be our next Senator from Arizona.

That is why we’re writing to you today. To help out Ruben.

If a donation meant Ruben could beat Kari Lake and help keep Trump out of the White House, wouldn’t you rush that donation?

It might be the best money you ever spent.

Now, the reality is that not everyone donates. We don’t expect you to donate to every email or every text we send. That would be ridiculous. But today, we’re hoping you’ll chip in.

If you’re able, you can use this link:
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Or, if you’d rather donate another amount, you can hit one of these buttons.

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And if you can’t donate today, that’s okay. Just reading this email helps us out more than you might realize.

We just hope you know that we appreciate you sticking with us.

Thank you.

Team Gallego

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