If Democrats are serious about winning elections and addressing the major crises that we face…

Friends -

If Democrats are serious about winning elections and addressing the major crises that we face, they must embrace the working class of this country in a way which hasn’t been done in almost 60 years.

If Democrats make it clear — through words and actions — that they stand with a struggling working class, a disappearing middle class, and millions of low income Americans who are barely surviving they will win this election in a landslide.

If not, I’m not quite sure what the election outcome will be or, for that matter, what the future of the country holds.

Please watch a short, recent interview I gave on this subject and share it with your friends on social media.

In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders

👋 Before you go... 👋

Bernie continues to work hard organizing progressives on the issues important to the working class of this country.

You see it on social media and his videos with millions of views, you see it at events and rallies around the country, and you see it in his support for working people fighting to unionize at places like Starbucks, Amazon, McDonald's and more.

Your individual contributions allow him to keep that work going and reach more and more people. In other words, your support helps us continue to grow our political revolution.

So please, consider making a $27 donation or whatever you can afford today.

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