How’re you doing, folks?

I’ve been out on the campaign trail all week talking with voters in Montana. It’s always nice to return home, see some familiar faces, and check in to see how things are holding up around here.

Traveling around the state reminds me of how grateful I am for folks like you. I’m not a typical politician -- heck, I still work on my family’s farm and bring my own Montana beef to the U.S. Senate (you just can’t beat it!).

All this to say, without your support, I know in my bones I would not be here today.

I don’t rely on dark money groups or lobbyists to fund my campaign. And I certainly don’t think wealthy donors should call the shots in Washington. I’m just a dirt farmer trying to rid our politics of corruption, protect our public lands, and make sure every rural community has access to health care.

Whether you come from a red state or blue state, a big city or a small farm like me, I think those are things we can all agree on.

So, thank you for everything you’re doing to power this campaign -- pitching in a donation, volunteering your time, taking action when needed. Everything you do sends a powerful message about the kind of people-centered movement we’re building.

I’m so grateful for your support each and every day.

— Jon

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