Dear Friends,

Early voting starts tomorrow morning!  There are 5 early voting sites across Knoxville and you can find early voting locations and times here. 

This is the moment we’ve been building toward since last November.  You’ve been with me as I’ve knocked on doors throughout the city, attended community meetings, participated in debates and discussed issues with neighbors across Knoxville.  I’m so grateful for all of the support and encouragement.  This campaign wouldn’t be possible without your help!
Now’s the time to translate that support into votes so we can win this Primary!  Please make a plan to vote during the early voting period and encourage your friends and neighbors to do the same.  If you know someone who needs a ride to the polls, please take them.  We’ve worked too hard to stop short now!


Placing one of the first yard signs in a supporter's yard while knocking doors in March.

I’m excited about our campaign’s momentum, and promise that I will continue to work hard until the polls close on August 27th.

Let’s do this together!

Paid for by "Kincannon for Knoxville", Kelly Johnson, Treasurer

Kincannon for Mayor
PO Box 3783
Knoxville, TN 37927
United States