From Aisha Adkins, Caring Across Generations <>
Subject There’s someone we want you to meet
Date October 21, 2023 5:04 PM
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Hi John,

How do we make change happen? Well, it starts with ordinary people like you and me rising up and taking action. That's why our Care Fellowship program works to support changemakers in the care movement.

Our Fellowship program is one of the first of its kind. It is a 6-month leadership development program that empowers caregivers and care recipients to build communications and advocacy skills to help win better care programs in the U.S.

We’re so proud to have 100 fellows from across the country this year, many of whom identify as Black and disabled. It’s so important these folks are centered because they’re the most impacted by our broken care system. Our fellows, and their unique and diverse experiences and identities, are what drive this program and make it so special.

Like Timnet, a caregiver for her father in Illinois:

“I have been a caregiver for my father, who is a stroke survivor, for almost three years now. I have experienced firsthand how inadequate and even inhumane our systems can be toward our most vulnerable groups. This Fellowship has shown me how to tap into a historic, ongoing, broader political struggle to build a society that prioritizes care and dignity.”

And Crisantema, a family caregiver from California:

“ I joined the Fellowship in hopes of building community with other caregivers. It’s been healing to share space with others who understand the struggles we face as caregivers and are transforming entire systems. We’re gaining the knowledge and skills to organize towards building communities that center collective care.”

These are just a few examples of our extraordinary fellows this year. Check out the full list of our fellows, and their incredible stories here:
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I hope their stories inspire you the way they’ve inspired me. I’m proud to do this work alongside them and build the power and strength we need to make this country more caring. It makes me incredibly hopeful for the future of care in our country.


Aisha Adkins, Constituency Engagement Manager
Caring Across Generations

P.S. If you’re inspired by our Fellowship program and have the resources, please consider donating: [link removed] Every dollar helps ensure we’re able to continue this important program for years to come.

A gift to Caring Across Generations helps us win affordable child care, paid leave, and accessible long-term home and community care for all. Because #CareCantWait for families in the U.S.

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New York, NY 10006
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