Hi fellow conservative, it’s Ryan Walker.
We're in the FINAL DAYS of our match challenge.
To recap what’s happening, a conservative donor committed a $100k donation to our organization and mission.
We challenged the grassroots to try and match it. And here's the tally for the grassroots thus far: $80,070.72
Trust and honesty with our donors and supporters is our #1 priority. So when we run one of these campaigns, it’s the real deal.
Ryan Walker, EVP of Heritage Action
---------- forwarded message below ----------
Sender: Ryan Walker, Executive Vice President
Subject Line:Fellow Conservative, are you tired of the gimmicks?
That’s why we say that we have a real conservative donor who has pledged a $100,000 donation–we actually do.
But they’re not promising to match your donation. They’ve already generously gifted it to our mission. Instead, we're issuing a challenge to YOU, the grassroots, to collectively match this generous contribution and show them what the grassroots can do.
What do you say, fellow conservative? Are you up for a challenge?
>> MATCH A DONATION: $20.23 <<
Thank you,
Ryan Walker
Executive Vice President
Heritage Action for America
Heritage Action for America | 214 Massachusetts Avenue NE, Suite 400 | Washington, DC 20002
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