This is a big day for our campaign! Brigid has been endorsed by New Jersey's largest newspaper!
You can read the full endorsement by clicking here.

They know that Jeff Van Drew betrayed his constituents. When we needed him to show courage and commitment to our constitution - he chose to embrace a lawless President.

That's why we need your help to share this endorsement. Send a rush donation to fund Brigid's outreach:
Here's what the Star-Ledger has to say.

"The 2nd District needs a representative in Washington, not someone who feeds Trump’s psychosis of polarization, not someone who bailed out on his constitutional obligation by thumbing his nose at checks and balances and the rule of law.

Van Drew has to go, and Harrison is the best candidate to replace him. Atlantic County needs to jump on this wave."

If you agree that Jeff Van Drew needs to go - we need your help right now to share this endorsement.

Click here to contribute to our outreach.

Thanks so much for your support.

-Team Brigid
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Paid for by Brigid for South Jersey