John —
The American public’s approval of Congress is the lowest it’s been in nearly a decade. Can we blame them? We’re still feeling the aftermath of a global pandemic, we’re on the brink of a recession with millions of Americans crippled by healthcare and education debt, and the climate crisis worsens daily.
And yet, Congress can’t govern. A lion’s share of the blame goes to House Republicans, who sabotaged themselves by removing the Speaker and are still wasting our time and taxpayer money, but that isn't the only issue. Across both parties and across the chambers — too many politicians have lost sight of why they are in Washington: to represent We the People.
Unfortunately, it seems that a great many politicians are more concerned with pleasing the donor class, making a snarky comment on social media, or perpetuating the revolving door from Congress to K Street. In other words, they are putting self-interest and special interests ahead of public interest.
Corruption has become a widespread part of politics, from the Supreme Court to local office, to the halls of Congress, and it must be addressed. Sign our petition now: We must fix our broken political system.
We support Congressman Ro Khanna’s anti-corruption plan that will ban all PAC and lobbyist money from Congress; ban members of Congress from trading stocks; enact term limits for members of Congress and Supreme Court Justices; and ban Congress members from ever becoming lobbyists.
It’s time to eliminate corruption, big money, and dysfunction from the halls of Congress.
Sign if you agree: We must take action to eradicate corruption in Congress.
Our Revolution
