Lisa Blunt Rochester for Senate

This isn’t the news we wanted to share, friend, but we still need to raise $6,000 by midnight towards our Emergency Fundraising Drive.

Another GOP candidate just jumped into the race to defeat Lisa and turn the Senate red so now is NOT the time to be falling behind.

We’re not throwing in the towel, it will just take a record-setting fundraising night to turn things around. We know better than to underestimate this team, so we’re making a bold ask of our top supporters.

If just 20 people chip in $300 right now, we’ll set a record and raise the remaining $6,000 that we need to reach our goal and defend our Democratic Senate majority.


Or, another way we can reach our goal is if 400 people chipped in $15. If you can’t swing the previous amount, can we ask that you do this instead? We would be deeply grateful for your support.


Thanks for stepping up,