URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Cancel Nevada public lands lease sale to corporate frackers before our precious public lands are forever changed!
Imagine your home invaded by the foul odor of rotten eggs. It slithers in through your windows and settles in like an unwanted guest. It’s not just the smell. There’s noise, too. A distant pounding of high-pressure water SMASHING into the Earth, over and over again.
This is what it would be like to live close to fracking operations, Friend. Air and water pollution. Horrific smells. Constant battering noises. It’s no wonder some people experience splitting headaches.
The Department of Interior has announced a new lease sale of THOUSANDS of ACRES public lands in Nevada’s Battle Mountain District. If it moves forward, the highest corporate bidder will get a pass to frack on our public lands, including near Nevada communities. Please, Friend, sign our petition and help STOP corporate polluters from fracking for profit on precious Nevada public lands!
Some of the communities near the proposed lease sales include large Tribal and low-income populations. These are the Nevadans who could be exposed to TOXIC POLLUTION and potentially RADIOACTIVE WASTEWATER from fracking.
The Battle Mountain District in Nevada is also home to vulnerable species, including the threatened desert tortoise and the endangered Southwestern willow flycatcher – and giant metal fracking rigs won’t do these poor creatures any favors. We need 5,389 more signatures by MIDNIGHT TONIGHT to hit our goal and help PROTECT Nevadans and wildlife from fossil fuel destruction. Sign now!
Standing with you,
Nicole Ghio
Fossil fuels program manager,
Friends of the Earth