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Solidarity with Palestine/Support Workers World

Solidarity with Palestine/Support Workers World

The world watches in horror as Israel rains thousands of U.S.-supplied bombs on Gaza, home to 2.3 million Palestinians. We  write critically of the Zionist state’s  military aggression, occupation and racism. Our paper is partisan, siding with the besieged Palestinian people – those who struggle to survive, those who resist, . . .

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Texas execution on World Day Against the Death Penalty

Texas execution  on World Day Against the Death Penalty

Huntsville, Texas On World Day Against the Death Penalty, Oct. 10, Texas legally lynched Jedidiah Murphy in Huntsville, Texas. The execution was scheduled for 6 p.m., but due to ongoing appeals before the U.S. Supreme Court, he wasn’t pronounced dead until 10:15 p.m. Vigil outside the execution of Jedidiah Murphy, . . .

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Declaración  La complicidad occidental con la brutal violencia del apartheid israelí aumenta la resistencia palestina y la solidaridad internacional

Declaración   La complicidad occidental con la brutal violencia del apartheid israelí aumenta la resistencia palestina y la solidaridad internacional

7 de octubre de 2023 Israel, Palestina El movimiento BDS condena rotundamente a los gobiernos del Occidente colonial por, una vez más, apoyar hipócritamente al apartheid Israel y adoptar su engañosa cronología de la “violencia” actual como si todo hubiese comenzado esta mañana con la poderosa reacción armada del pueblo . . .

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Stonewall Liberation Organization to Massachusetts Family Institute: ‘Go to hell!’

Stonewall Liberation Organization to Massachusetts Family Institute: ‘Go to hell!’

Over 100 courageous LGBTQ2S+ activists and their supporters — including a marching band led by a tuba with bell signage reading, “Trans Rights Now!” — answered the call of Boston’s Stonewall Liberation Organization (SLO) Oct. 13. They carpooled to a remote park in the Boston suburb of Newton, then marched . . .

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From France: Statement in solidarity with Palestinian struggle

From France: Statement in solidarity with Palestinian struggle

The Pole of Communist Revival in France (PRCF) and the Youth for Communist Revival in France (JRCF) issued the following statement Oct. 7 from Paris; numbers of casualties are as of that date.  Translation: John Catalinotto “It is always the oppressor, not the oppressed, who determines the form of struggle,” . . .

Continue reading From France: Statement in solidarity with Palestinian struggle at

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