You and I have a critical mission at hand, and that’s why I’m asking for your urgent support. It’s hard to believe, but the legal, political, and media harassment of Christians for expressing our beliefs against the LGBT and trans agendas is escalating in the United States and everywhere with an unprecedented fierceness. We must act now to defend our Christian faith and the way we practice it. The recent UN report condemning opposition to LGBT ideology poses a great threat to our rights and freedoms, undermining the foundation of our society.
Sign this petition and urge the United States government to protect our Christian’s rights against the push of the LGBT agenda. Share this petition with your family, friends, and contacts to multiply the impact and send a clear message to decision makers. Act now! Thank you for your unwavering support. Ignacio Arsuaga and the entire CitizenGO Team --
Here's the email we sent you earlier on this:
 Defend your religious freedom! Stand against the UN report that threatens to silence Christians and impose the LGBT agenda. We must secure that as Christians, our rights to express our faith are protected. Sign the petition now and call on President Biden to address this crucial question: Will you commit to protecting our Christian beliefs and rights? SIGN THE PETITION |
Dear John,
The right to express our Christian faith is at its most precarious. You won’t believe it, but every day, I receive countless reports of Christians whose rights are trampled for opposing LGBT or trans ideology at work, being censored on social media, or even denied the right to decide about the disturbing sexualization their children face in schools. Let’s face it: Christians like you and me opposing the aggressive teaching of radical, irrational gender ideology concepts will be right away labeled as intolerant bigots or far-right extremists. Or even worse… We risk legal action, fines, and imprisonment. Remember, the 53rd UN Human Rights Council last June warned that religious freedom, particularly Christian beliefs, violates LGBT rights. It developed a set of proposals for countries to intervene in religious matters to stop this alleged “violation” of LGBT rights. At CitizenGO, we've been alert to the dangers for Christians. With your support, our campaigns gathered over half a million signatures, challenging this report and urging governments to protect our Christian rights... However, governments are fearful of providing a clear answer. They are overly apprehensive about opposing the radical LGBT and trans lobbies. While the U.S. government avoids commenting on whether it will protect the rights of Christians against the UN's recommendation, we watch with alarm as laws and policies that silence our voices in favor of the LGBT and trans agenda proliferate. This silence is intolerable. Demand now that the U.S. government ensures you can practice your beliefs and Christian faith freely, without interference or coercion. Do not allow the agenda of radical LGBT and trans lobbies to taint our Christian beliefs!
Sign this petition to urge the U.S. government to take a clear stance against this UN report and deliver a clear and decisive response to protect Christian beliefs.
Ever since this report was presented at the UN Human Rights Council back in June, it has already made dangerous strides, backed fiercely by the LGBT lobby. In the subsequent months since its introduction, its implications are already being felt in the clash between Christian rights and the LGBT agenda. CitizenGO is experiencing this first hand, being at the forefront of recent campaigns where religious freedom was attacked precisely quoting this report. - The recent suspension of Tory councillor Lawal King in the United Kingdom - King expressed his religious beliefs and quoted a biblical verse. He was suspended because his comments were supposedly ‘hateful’ towards the LGBT community.
- The ongoing trial of Paivi Rasanen, who after 2 years of a tireless trial, still awaits her verdict at the Court of Appeal in Finland, for publicly quoting a verse from the bible.
- In the UK, Felix Ngole, a Christian social worker, had his job offer rescinded due to his biblical beliefs concerning sexuality and marriage.
- A few weeks ago, thousands of Christian parents in Canada boldly rallied against the repulsive, obsessive, and mandatory sexualization of their children in schools. Worryingly, this disturbing pattern is not unique to Canada but is proliferating globally.
- My colleagues Caroline Farrow in the UK, Anne Kioko in Kenya, and Eduard Prols in Germany are already dealing with personal and professional fallout from laws that cater to LGBTI and trans groups. These laws turn Christians' free speech into a crime - calling it hate speech.
… and so many more cases that are happening day by day, where Christians are at the receiving end for sharing what they believe in! That is precisely why the dangers of this report are not a far fetched possibility, but more like a visibly present reality! The alarming effects of this could reach far and wide - from your local priest to your kids at university, and even you! Expressing your opinions based on your religious beliefs could potentially result in being reported. The UN recommendation is quickly being used by the LGBT lobby to silence and criminally charge Christians like you and me who express their faith. Don't be fooled, this is a matter of pressure. If thousands of Christians like you and me put enough pressure on our governments, they will have to give us an answer. That is why we need to defeat this proposal, before it is too late.
Sign our petition to demand clear answers and action from the U.S. government and help us defend Christians’ freedom!
Imagine living in a world where LGBT ideology is imposed on religions, religious practices are restricted, and Christians are faced with an unsafe environment. This is what we are up against. And it is more critical than ever. I follow these cases on a daily basis, and I can assure you that the LGBT lobby is quoting the narrative of this report more than ever. For them, religious freedom should NOT protect Christians against LGBT and pro-abortion demands, and they want this concept instilled in our societies. Remember that the UN paper also urges states to look at punitive measures for those who hold to certain more traditional religious views: “Encourage religious institutions to consider the ways in which representatives will be held responsible in cases in which they promote discrimination against LGBT+ and other gender diverse persons”. The content of this report is outrageous and alarming, as it poses a direct threat to the rights of priests and pastors and infringes on the sacred ground of our Christian faith. It is a fundamental battle for our right to freely and independently practice our faith. With your support, we are able to apply double the amount of pressure on the U.S. government, and get them to expressly commit to defending fundamental values. We will not tolerate the imposition of external ideologies on our religious practices. Your participation in our previous campaign has already had a profound impact, and has sent a powerful message to the UN and to our national government. Let’s double down. This is the moment to intervene. We must make sure the government at no time will sign anything remotely in consideration of this radical report. Amidst this ever-present danger, we lean on your continued support as we forge ahead.
Sign this petition today and help us ensure that the U.S. government is firmly committed to defending Christian values and protecting our religious freedoms against the LGBT agenda promoted by the United Nations. Thank you for your continued support in what is, such a crucial battle. Ignacio Arsuaga and the entire CitizenGO Team P.S. Don't underestimate the power of sharing. Please consider sharing the petition on your social media platforms and encouraging others to join us in this crucial fight. Together, we can amplify our impact and ensure that our message reaches even more individuals who share our commitment to defending Christian values. Together, we can safeguard our Christian beliefs and hold our governments accountable!