This time of year is always busy, but we wanted to make sure you saw this email we sent a couple of days ago.
Abigail is standing up to those abusing their power and looking out for the people of Virginia and the entire country. Take a look, and if you believe in Abigail’s work, consider contributing today to fund her campaign.
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At the risk of sounding cliche, do you want the good news or bad news first?
The good news is that the U.S. Senate confirmed three military nominees to the Joint Chiefs of Staff last week, circumventing Tommy Tuberville’s blockade.
The bad news is that Tommy Tuberville’s blockade continues as more than 300 officials remain unconfirmed. The three approvals were a time-consuming procedural nightmare that was a last resort because Tuberville is using our nation’s top military leaders as political pawns. Tommy Tuberville is now bragging about his blockade, seeing the lengthy and unprecedented individual confirmations of the three officials not as a defeat but as a victory. He is gleefully boasting about how challenging it was to confirm military officials.
Tuberville is hurting our military. He is hurting our readiness, and the impacts of this blockade will be felt years into the future. He is playing games with real consequences, harming our national security, and abusing his power.
I will never stop calling out abuses of power. There will never be a day when the security and safety of our country are not my top priority.
If you believe in my mission and that it’s about time people like Tommy Tuberville stopped running the show, I hope you will contribute to my campaign today.
Thank you for your support,