NON-PROFIT HOUSING ASSOCIATION OF NORTHERN CALIFORNIA | | | | The Voice of Affordable Housing | |  | | | | Wednesday, March 4 KEEP THE FAIR HOUSING ACT ACCOUNTABLE | | The Fair Housing Act was created to ensure local governments proactively acted to undo patterns of racial segregation and other types of discrimination, fostering communities where black, white, and brown residents could all benefit from the best of what a community had to offer. However, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) released a proposal to reverse a landmark 2015 regulation providing jurisdictions and public housing authorities guidance and tools to identify and address harmful patterns of segregation, discriminatory practices, and disinvestment. You can submit a public comment using this letter template before the March 17 deadline telling HUD why affirmatively furthering Fair Housing is necessary for our communities. | | | | | | | | PRIORITY HOUSING BILLS FOR 2020 | | Housing remains at the top of state legislator's agendas with more than 160 housing bills! As NPH's policy team evaluates with NPH members to shape our priority package we wanted to highlight now three bills that NPH is co-sponsoring: - SB 899 (Wiener) would allow for automatic rezoning of land owned by faith based institutions to build 100% affordable housing;
- AB 2058 (Gabriel) would create a low income housing tax credit for preservation, supporting the ability to remove homes from the speculative market and make them permanently affordable;
- AB 3154 (Rivas) would make it easier to build affordable, intergenerational communities with seniors and foster youth.
We also encourage you to turn out for a press conference this Friday, March 6 at 10am in San Francisco to announce SB 899 faith-based rezoning bill. Please e-mail Pedro Galvao at [email protected] if you’re interested in attending! | | | | | NPH TRAININGS ON THE HORIZON | | Check your calendars! NPH will be offering three different trainings over the next few weeks. - Join us on Thursday, March 19 (11:30pm-1pm) at The NPH Conference Room in San Francisco for our first Emerging Leaders Peer Network (ELPN) Training of the year: "Insurance 201 Training – Understanding Insurance Certificates," by NPH and Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. This training will focus on what those insurance certificates are really telling you and how you can make absolutely sure you have the insurance coverage you thought you had.
- Join us on Thursday, March 26 (12pm-2pm) for our Brown Bag Training "Implementing New 3Ps Policy Tools," by NPH Regional Policy Manager Rodney Nickens Jr. and NPH Policy Director Pedro Galvao. This training will explore lessons learned from the 2019 legislative session, discuss and demystify these new affordable housing policy and production tools, and break down how local jurisdictions and developers can apply these new tools to produce and preserve affordable housing and protect tenants.
- Join the Emerging Leaders Peer Network (ELPN) on Thursday, March 26 (3:15pm-5:30pm) for a private tour of "The Union," an exciting new modular housing development in West Oakland.
Check out the full 2020 event calendar to see other trainings and NPH events that are slated for the year! | | | | | NPH'S 24TH ANNUAL LEADERSHIP AWARDS | | NPH is excited to announce that the 24th Annual NPH Affordable Housing Leaderships Awards will be hosted on Thursday, April 30 at The City Club of San Francisco. With continued work on high-profile 3Ps (production, preservation, and protection) bills, the regional revenue measure, and bigger and better training initiatives on the horizon, this year's theme — Our Movement, Our Moment — acknowledges that this year is a continuation of a growing movement and recognizes the need for all of us to seize the moment to think and act boldly to ensure that our neighbors can thrive in a safe and affordable home. Please save the date and we hope you can join us on Thursday, April 30. | | | | | | AMIE FISHMAN APPEARS ON "FORUM" | | Did you hear? NPH's very own Executive Director, Amie Fishman, was on KQED's "Forum" last month, alongside the Executive Director of East Bay Housing Organizations Gloria Bruce and former California Department of Housing and Community Development Director Ben Metcalf, to discuss how the affordability housing crisis reached this boiling point, what can be done to alleviate it, and how affordable housing partners, allies, and supporters are working on solutions at scale! | | | | | CAREER & INTERNSHIP OPPORTUNITIES | | Be the change you want to see by working in the in the affordable housing sector! - NPH is growing and recruiting for several exciting new openings, including our latest posting for a Fund Development & Membership Associate!
- Please help spread the word that NPH is accepting intern applications for our Bay Area Housing Internship Program (BAHIP)! The deadline to apply for the 2020/2021 internship year is Friday, March 6th at 5:00pm. BAHIP is a one-year, paid internship program designed to recruit and train students of color at Bay Area colleges and universities to become affordable housing development professionals. NPH works to place BAHIP interns in NPH member organizations where they have the opportunity to see the affordable housing sector firsthand. Please send all questions to Monica at [email protected]!
- NPH's jobs board offers a myriad of positions that work with a variety of skill sets.
| | | | | | We can't do this work without our members. Join today or renew your membership to help us strengthen and grow the affordable housing movement in 2020. Members get access to exclusive opportunities, such as submitting nominations for our annual leadership awards, sharing events in the NPH Bulletin, and sharing jobs on our jobs board! Email [email protected] for more information and to join/renew today. | | | | | MEMBER EVENTS AND OPPORTUNITIES | | Member Perk! Have an event you'd like to feature in the Bulletin? Send details to [email protected] | | | | 3/6 Deadline to request funds for San Rafael housing proposals. In preparation for the upcoming release of a Notice of Funding Availability, the City of San Rafael is conducting a pre-application process to solicit affordable housing proposals from proponents that would be interested in requesting funding from the City’s Affordable Housing Trust Fund. Apply | | 3/6 Deadline extended for Affordable Housing Month Submissions. The Housing Leadership Council has extended their deadline for event proposals and sponsorships for Affordable Housing Month. Through multiple events scattered throughout the month, HLC engages hundreds of housing supporters around San Mateo County to collectively learn, mobilize, and understand the positive and extensive impact affordable housing brings. Submit here | | 3/6 PATH's "Villas on the Park" Grand Opening Ceremony. Join PATH as they celebrate the grand opening of Villas on the Park, a downtown San Jose development that provides 83 affordable apartments for our neighbors experiencing homelessness. CA State Treasurer Fiona Ma, Senator Jim Beall, Supervisor Cindy Chavez, Mayor Liccardo, and Councilmember Peralez will be in attendance. Register | | 3/13 Housing Trust Silicon Valley's Investor Briefing. This annual luncheon and networking event provides partners of Housing Trust and the business community with policy and impact updates around affordable housing in the greater Bay Area. Keynote address, updates on Housing Trust’s progress, recognition of the year’s housing champions, and networking from 10:30am to 1:00pm at the Santa-Clara Convention Center. Register | | 3/18 Steven Terrace Grand Opening. Join MidPen as they celebrate the Grand Opening of Stevenson Terrace, 80 affordable apartments for families in Fremont. Stevenson Terrace is an example of a community made possible by state legislation which requires local cities to offer the sale of “surplus land” to low- and moderate-income housing development before opening it up to the general public for market-rate housing or other uses. Register | | | 3/18 Solutions for Housing Communications Convening. On March 18, attend the only event in the nation that brings housing communicators together to discuss latest strategies and tactics for expanding awareness of the benefits of affordable housing and building support for affordable housing policies and development. Register | | 3/19 Housing California Lobby Day. Join RUN and Housing California for our annual Lobby Day in Sacramento! On March 19, 2020, advocates from all over the state will hold a rally and press conference in support of homes for all Californians. Then we’ll head to the Capitol to make sure legislators hear from us about bills to increase affordable housing and end homelessness. Register | | 3/25-27 National Low Income Housing Coalition's Housing Policy Forum 2020. The forum on "Ending Homelessness and Housing Poverty" will take place at the Washington Court Hotel in Washington, D.C. from March 25 - March 27. A special Resident Session begins March 24. Tickets | | 4/14-16: Housing CA Conference. Join with advocates and allies all over the state for the 2020 Housing California conference, which will focus on a future California where no one is homeless and everyone can afford a safe, stable place to call home. This year's conference will be in San Diego! Early bird registration closes on February 14. Register | | COALITION CORNER: 3/11 Housing as a Health Intervention. The California Initiative for Health Equity and Action (Cal-IHEA), is excited to host a policy briefing entitled, “Housing as a Health Intervention" in Sacramento. The briefing will convene an expert panel to present research evidence that focuses on housing as a health intervention for populations experiencing homelessness and housing instability. Register | | | | | Thank you for your support for affordable housing. Together, we can build a future where everyone has access to a safe, healthy, affordable home! | | Contact Us Non-Profit Housing Association of Northern California (NPH) 369 Pine St,Ste 350 San Francisco, California 94104 415-989-8160 [email protected] | | | | | | |