
I'm sending a quick update to let you know that we just wrapped up our oral arguments before the U.S. Supreme Court. Leaving the Court today, one thing is clearer than ever: Louisiana's admitting privileges law has nothing to do with patient health or safety and everything to do with eliminating access to abortion care.

I want to remind you that there are still a few hours to have your gift matched three to one, up to $10,000, to mark this historic day and help us meet our $150,000 goal. You can make a generous gift using this special link: reproductiverights.org/SupremeCourtMatch

This link will deactivate at MIDNIGHT TONIGHT so please don't wait!

Today, I am especially proud to have fierce advocates like you by our side in the fight to protect reproductive rights for all.

Thank you for standing with us,


Center for Reproductive Rights

NANCY NORTHUP (she/her/hers)
President & CEO

199 Water Street, 22nd Floor
New York NY 10038
Tel 917-637-3600   Fax 917-637-3666

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The Center for Reproductive Rights uses the power of law to advance reproductive rights as fundamental human rights around the world.

© Center for Reproductive Rights