It’s finally feeling chilly in the District, both
basketball and hockey seasons are here as our Caps and Wizards return
to Capital One Arena, Hill-O-Ween
costume planning is underway, DPW leaf collection is starting up (more
on that below) - fall in Ward 6 is truly in full swing!
Below, you'll find lots of information about events in the
community and what's happening down at the Wilson Building, but please
also read the important public safety updates right in the beginning.
This week, I joined two safety walks and spent time with neighbors
around Tennessee and C St., NE after a very troubling homicide on that
block. On Monday, I joined my colleague Councilmember Pinto, who
chairs the Council's Committee on the Judiciary and Public Safety, on
a safety walk with MPD, neighbors, the Office of Gun Violence
Prevention and others. We aren't nearly where we want to be, and to
get there, it's going to take a whole of government and community
strategy. Let's jump in.
Quick Links: Public Safety |
Ward 6 Public Safety Updates |
Tyler ES Renaming | DOB Director
Hearing | Barracks Row Community Walk
and Talk| Ward 6 Biz Help | Leaf Collection | Opioid Abatement Commission | Prescription Drug Take Back Day | Contract Win for Commercial Building Cleaners
| New HPAP Dashboard | Lunch with
SW Seniors | Bill to
Prevent Prostate Cancer Deaths | SW
Fall Food Drive | MVT Fall Fun Day
| Congressional App
Challenge | Estate Planning Awareness
Week | Atlas Performing Arts City at
Peace Youth Development Program | Hill Family Halloween Bike Ride |
Southwest Office Hours on 10/24 |
Wizards Ticket Giveaway
Public Safety
Recent crime in our city and in Ward 6 has been alarming -- earlier
this week, I spent time with grieving family members and neighbors
around Tennessee and C Street NE following a horrible homicide, which
was then followed two days later by an armed robbery and stolen car.
That's unacceptable, period. I also met with neighbors around Potomac
Avenue and Pennsylvania Avenue SE to work on public safety issues with
a community walk there. And as mentioned above, I joined my colleague
Councilmember Brooke Pinto, chair of the Committee on Judiciary and
Public Safety, plus MPD and government leaders for a focused walk and
discussion about public safety in Southwest. I know that safety walks
may not seem like they're valuable at first glance, but in each walk
we do, the point is to make sure MPD and other responsible agencies
hear from neighbors and local ANC leaders about what they're seeing.
They're also excellent ways to spot and immediately address
environmental issues like overgrown trees and lighting that can
facilitate criminal behavior. As I've said many times before, law
enforcement plays a critical role in reversing our rise in violent
crime. But these walks are also meant to demonstrate that solutions
involve more than MPD: it truly takes a whole of government
So what do we mean by a "whole of government approach"? I'll give
you two examples. One is truancy at school. Post-pandemic, absenteeism
is way above where it was pre-pandemic. Lots of kids are simply not
going to school. There might be some valid reasons a child
occasionally can't make it to school, but high rates of truancy never
lead to good outcomes elsewhere. It's a canary in a coal mine
situation, and it demands urgency and focus. A second example: a few
weeks ago, I sat down with government workers who are part of AFSCME,
the largest union representing most unionized government employees who
aren't teachers or police or firefighters. I was struck by the picture
painted by a social worker with DC's Child and Family Services Agency.
He told me there are so many vacant positions, that there are
literally thousands of home visits not happening. Social workers are
the ones who engage parents (including those of chronically truant
students), identify at-risk youth, and redirect them.
I don't make these two points because I think they can replace law
enforcement's role to hold bad actors accountable. They do a different
job entirely, one that works in tandem to prevent crime. But when I
say we need a whole of government approach, what are we doing to
improve school attendance? What are we doing to conduct more home
visits? A seemingly dry policy issue like government hiring and vacant
positions has an important and immediate relationship to public
safety. And how are we using those tools to reach the people we know
are most at risk of being involved in gun violence? It all matters,
and making gains in school attendance and home visits will show
results in keeping families together and ensuring kids are where
they're supposed to be.
Ward 6 Public Safety Updates:
Arrest Made in Hit and Run: Sharing that MPD made
an arrest in
the terrible hit and run on C St NE last week, where a mother, child,
and dog were struck by a driver ignoring a stop sign, who then fled
the scene. Over the last week, I've been in touch with a lot of
neighbors on that block and beyond who were deeply concerned about
finding this dangerous driver and holding them accountable. And you
might recall, this hit and run happened the same day that I was
chairing a hearing on legislation to bring new focus on getting
dangerous drivers like this off the road (including going after repeat
speeders, fake tags, impaired driving, and more). My thanks to
neighbors who responded immediately to help the family and ID the
vehicle as the driver fled, and our thanks to the First District
officers that kept pursuing the case to an arrest.
Shooting at Tennessee and C St. NE: Like many
Capitol Hill neighbors, I was horrified to learn that two
men were shot at Tennessee Ave and C St. NE on Monday night. As I
explained in a video
Tuesday after speaking with MPD, it's believed that at least one
suspect in a white sedan drove up to the victims sitting in a car and
shot them both before fleeing. The driver was tragically killed, but
the passenger is expected to recover. I spent some time with the
family of the young man killed, as well as neighbors in the area, on
Tuesday afternoon. Because it’s still early, I have limited
information from MPD I can share, but their initial investigation does
not lead them to believe it was a carjacking or robbery. But as their
work continues, these details can change. If you live in the area and
have home security camera footage or any other information that could
be useful, please share it with MPD or reach out to my office. I will
be sure to update you as I hear more from MPD in the coming days.
Sentencing in June Metro Stabbing and Robbery: A
man was sentenced
last week for both assault with a dangerous weapon and robbery in
two cases that occurred this past June -- one in which the man robbed
an individual at knifepoint at the Eastern Market Metro Station and
the second in which he then robbed and stabbed another victim at the
Potomac Avenue Metro Station several days later. You've read in these
emails and heard me talk before about my criticism of low prosecution
rates by the US Attorney's Office. But I also want to ensure I commend
and share with you when the USAO moves a case quickly to get justice.
That's how we want the system to work - swiftly and with certainty. I
was glad to see this outcome - from the police investigation and
arrest, to the charging and successful prosecution by USAO, all within
five months. And I'm encouraged by recent announcements from the USAO
about ways to improve their path forward and increase their rate of
bringing cases for MPD arrests.
Tyler Elementary School Renaming
On Wednesday, I spent the evening with the Tyler
Elementary PTA to discuss several issues, including facility needs and
the upcoming modernization. The most exciting news, however, is that
the school community has decided to rename Tyler, which will soon be
called Shirley Chisholm Elementary School, a change that recognizes
the problematic history of John Tyler, who supported the Confederacy
and enslaved people, and instead will now honor a feminist and civil
rights trailblazer.
Working with the school community, I've already introduced
legislation at the Council to make this change, and I expect it to
pass and go into effect in time for next school year. There will be a
public hearing on the legislation this fall, and I'll share more in a
future newsletter.
Pressing DOB Leadership to Crack Down on Commercial Uses in
Residences on Capitol Hill
This week, the Council held a public hearing to
consider the nomination of Acting Director of the Department of
Buildings Brian Hanlon as the permanent leader for the agency. I've
been grateful thus far for the working relationship I've had with
Acting Director Hanlon on several issues where the Department of
Buildings plays a key enforcement role, but especially one that's been
challenging for many years and only getting worse: commercial
entities, often associated with national politics on Capitol Hill,
using private residences for commercial uses. During the hearing,
the Director and I had a lengthy back and forth on the issue I'm
sharing here for neighbors who want to see action. Thanks to the many
neighbors and ANCs who are pushing so hard to see stepped up
enforcement here.
Barracks Row Community Walk and Talk
Next Wednesday I'll be joining ANC 6B Commissioners D'Andrea and
Sobelsohn and MPD's First District Officers for a Barracks Row
Community Walk and Talk to discuss challenges and solutions for the
neighborhood. We'll be meeting at 8th and Pennsylvania Ave SE on
October 25 at 6pm - I encourage neighbors to come join us.
Supporting a Ward 6 Business with Office of Tax and
This week my team was able to assist a Ward 6 business with
resolving a tax issue with the Office of Tax and Revenue that
threatened to force them to close their doors unfairly. We worked with
the business and government to resolve the issue without forcing the
business to close its doors for even a minute. The error wasn't the
business' fault, but did need to be fixed. Thanks to the OTR staff for
their hard work -- it's that kind of work that can help show DC is a
good place to do business.
DPW Leaf Collection is Almost Here
collection season begins in a few short weeks on October 30. Most
Ward 6 neighbors know to greet this time of year with some healthy
skepticism. For the last several years, it's almost an annual
tradition that the city sends out a nice brochure telling you a
schedule for leaf collection on your block and then promptly falls
weeks behind schedule. Well, this year, they finally caught on, and
there's a pretty big change to how they will run the leaf collection
program (and they're finally moving away from announcing a schedule
they're never able to keep up with). From DPW:
"Instead of sending a set schedule that goes out once in
October, DPW will assess the city every two weeks and update the leaf
collection schedule. Residents can check the latest schedule every
Friday through an online
leaf tracker at or by calling the DPW Leaf Line at
(202) 671-LEAF (5323). The tracker will be updated every Friday with
more precise information on scheduled collection. In addition to the
trackers, teams will be going out weeks in advance with door hangers
that let neighbors know that they are within their two week collection
window. Residents are asked to rake their leaves to the curb or into
the tree box in front of the residence the weekend before the Monday
of their announced collection week. To help facilitate the vacuum
process, residents are also asked to keep vehicles away from the curb
lanes on the scheduled collection days. Leaf collections will still
occur twice in each neighborhood for residents who receive DPW trash
and recycling services."
I know that in the past, neighbors (including myself) have been
frustrated that leaf collection and communication from DPW about
changes has been very unreliable and inconsistent. I'm hopeful that
the new process, in addition to the additional funding in FY24 that
was dedicated to make the leaf collection program more reliable
and efficient, will make for a better leaf collection season. As
always, please reach out to my team if you notice your leaves weren't
picked up when they were supposed to be or your neighborhood hasn't
received adequate communication from DPW.
Progress in the Fight to Address the Opioid Epidemic
This week, 21
people were named to the Opioid Abatement Advisory Commission, the
new group I created in legislation last fall that's tasked with
advising the District on how to best utilize the more than $80 million
that will be coming to us from various settlements with drug
companies. As I’ve explained
before, getting the members of this Commission named has been a
significant hurdle to planning how to spend the money, lagging
as we’re seeing unacceptable loss of life due to overdose deaths.
We’re luckily already seeing some progress now, as the Commission is
set to meet on October 25. I’m hopeful that the Commission and
District government can work swiftly to best identify where to spend
this money and get it out the door for the best, evidence-based uses.
Safely Drop Off Unused Prescription Drugs Next
National Prescription Drug Take Back Day is next
Saturday, October 28. Live
Long DC, the city’s initiative to fight the opioid epidemic, will
have unused prescription drop-off sites this Saturday from 10am-2pm in
all eight wards. This is your opportunity to join DC’s fight against
the opioid epidemic by returning unused prescription medications. The
Ward 6 locations are:
Southwest Library - 900 Wesley Place, SW
First District MPD Station - 101 M Street, SW
First District MPD Sub-Station - 500 E Street,
Big Contract Win for Our Downtown Commercial Building
Exciting update on an item
from my last newsletter: a strike has been averted after
commercial building cleaners of 32BJ reached a tentative agreement
with the Washington Service Contractors Association on a four-year
contract covering 9,100 workers in DC, Maryland, and Northern
Among other benefits, included in the new tentative agreement is an
hourly wage increase of $3.55 to $3.75 over the four-year contract.
Cleaners currently earn hourly wages between $12.50 and $18.60,
varying by market. I’m glad to see both sides were able to come to the
table to avoid a strike by negotiating for a contract that gives our
building cleaners the wages and benefits they deserve, and I
congratulate the dedicated workers and organizers of 32BJ.
New Home Purchase Assistance Program Dashboard
DC's Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) has created
a dashboard for FY24 (the current fiscal year, which just started)
to keep residents updated on available funds for the Home Purchase
Assistance Program (HPAP). HPAP provides interest-free loans and
closing cost assistance to qualified applicants to purchase single
family houses, condominiums, or cooperative units in the District. The
amount awarded is based on income, the size of your household, and the
amount of your down payment, with a maximum of $202,000 in assistance
and an additional $4,000 in closing costs.
For more details on HPAP eligibility, click
Catching Up With Southwest Seniors
I had the opportunity to join the October monthly
meeting for DC's Southwest chapter of AARP. We had a great discussion
on a wide range of topics, including public safety and illegal gun
use, as well legislation on estate planning and prostate screenings
and the importance of the Eastern Market - L'Enfant Circulator route
in future bus planning.
In the News: Bill to Reduce Prostate Cancer Deaths in the
After a hearing where we heard powerful testimony from doctors,
survivors, and advocates, my bill to address the high rates of
prostate cancer deaths in District was highlighted in a recent
piece from WAMU. The District has the highest per capita rate of
prostate cancer deaths of any US state and the seventh highest per
capita number of new cases. And as WAMU pointed out, we see stark
racial inequities, with Black men more likely to die from prostate
cancer than white men. My legislation, the Cost-Free
Coverage for Prostate Cancer Screening Act, would require all
insurers in the District to cover one screening for prostate cancer
per year free of charge. I’m looking forward to the bill moving
forward to a vote at the Council this fall.
Southwest Fall Food Drive
Serve Your City/Ward 6 Mutual Aid is holding a fall
food drive from October 14 - November 18 to stock up on food and
supplies to support our neighbors through the coming fall and winter
months. They are accepting shelf-stable food and toiletries. You can
donate online or in person at any of the following locations:
- Christ United Methodist Church (900 4th St, SW, back entrance off
the pathway to the SW Public Library), on Wednesdays from 3-5pm and
Saturdays from 12-2pm
- SW Farmers Market (425 M St, SW) at the Serve Your City/Ward 6
Mutual Aid booth, on Saturdays from 9am-1pm
- Check your building or church to see if they are hosting a
donation box
Fall Fun in Mount Vernon Triangle!
The annual MVT
Fall Fun Day returns next Saturday! Come out to Milian Park on
October 28 from 10am-noon for the Little Monsters Parade, dog costume
contest, and a slate of free activities like mini pumpkin decorating,
a photo booth, and face painting.
Congressional App Challenge for Student Coders!
Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton's office is participating in
the 2023 Congressional App Challenge. This challenge is for middle and
high school students in the District of all coding abilities.
Educators have assigned the program as extra credit or implemented it
as a part of their curriculum. To learn more about the rules and
prizes, you can visit their website
here. The deadline to enter is November 1, 2023.
Are Your Estate Plans in Place?
It’s National Estate Planning Awareness Week, which is a great time
to take a moment to make sure that you have personal plans in place.
Affordable Law Firm is one of two organizations charged with
launching and running the District’s first "heirs’ property" program
to help low- and modest-income families clear title to their homes
following the death of a loved one. They have partnered with DC’s
Department of Housing and Community Development to reach and serve
more residents. I have worked hard on these underappreciated but
critically important issues at the Council with legislation aimed at
protecting intergenerational wealth like a recent probate
reform bill I introduced and the Partition
of Real Property Act that became law last year.
Atlas Performing Arts Center "City at Peace" for Young
People Accepting Applications
Passing on an opportunity open to all District residents with Atlas
Performing Arts Center on H Street. The City at Peace Youth
Development Program is a free, five-week program that uses the
performing arts to teach leadership and create a space for young
people to confront the many challenging issues they encounter and live
with. More from Atlas: "City at Peace intentionally brings together a
culturally diverse group of young people to examine systems of
oppression that marginalize them, like power imbalances, and uses them
as a lens for young people to unpack racism, adultism, sexism,
classism, heterosexism, and more. The outcome of the program is
realistic tools created by young people to interrupt harmful behaviors
and negative attitudes. Our young people show positive change and
leadership abilities inside their peer and family groups within the
first few months of the program. Our alumni are strong advocates for
themselves as well as for people with smaller voices and diverse
backgrounds. This program is FREE and youth will earn a considerable
amount of community service hours. To join, email [email protected] today."
Hill Family Biking Halloween Ride

Join Hill Family Biking for its first ever Halloween
ride! The ride will start at the Maury Elementary Parking Lot on
12th Pl NE, but the route will be a mystery until the day of the ride!
They will be using the Spooky Hill is Home map to ride the scariest
blocks on the Hill. You
can contribute to that map here. The ride will end at Lincoln Park
for some spooky fun including a costume contest with prizes donated by
The Daily Rider.
Southwest Office Hours on October 24
Join me next Tuesday for community office hours in Southwest at
James Creek as part of a regular food distribution event -- we'll be
set up in the painted alley just across the street from Greenleaf Rec
Center from 11:30am-1pm. All are welcome, and I’m available to talk
with you about issues big or small. RSVP
Wizards Ticket Giveway!
We've got two tickets to see the Wizards v. the Memphis Grizzlies
at Capital One Arena on Saturday, October 28 at 7pm. Reply back to
this newsletter, and we'll let you know if you're our lucky