Dear John,
I wish I were coming to you today with better news – but here we are: the House of Representatives has gone nearly three weeks without a Speaker of the House. Republicans are nowhere close to electing a new leader and the House is at a standstill.
Right now, we should be working on securing resources for law enforcement to combat the fentanyl crisis, lowering prescription drug costs, strengthening Social Security and Medicare and passing a bipartisan Farm Bill that supports Minnesota’s family farmers. There is so much that needs to get done. But we can’t do anything until there is a Speaker.
I’m urging my colleagues on the other side of the aisle to pick a Speaker so we can get back to work for the people we represent.
I wanted to remind you all that my office is still open and ready to help you. If you need help accessing your Social Security and Medicare benefits, receiving your tax refunds, getting your passport on time or navigating the federal government – please call my office at (651) 846-2120.
Here's what else I was up to this week:
Ranked in the top 2% most bipartisan Members of Congress
I’ve always worked across the aisle to address the fentanyl crisis, support farmers and increase public safety. As a result of that bipartisan work on critical policy issues, I’m pleased to have been ranked in the top 2% most bipartisan Members of Congress by the nonpartisan Common Ground Committee.
I’ll keep working with both parties to get results for you and your family.

Partnering with Minnesota law enforcement Supporting law enforcement to keep Minnesotans safe is one of my most important jobs.
Great to sit down this week with the Minnesota Police and Peace Officers Association during their visit to my DC office to discuss how we partner in that work.
Celebrating Shakopee Brew Hall
Last night, I was able to attend the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Small Business Gala to celebrate Shakopee Brew Hall’s nomination for the Chamber’s America’s Top Small Business Award. This is a big deal. Shakopee Brew Hall was named one of 7 finalists for America’s Top Small Businesses.
Great local business in downtown Shakopee!

Meeting with Farmington Mayor Joshua Hoyt
Yesterday, I met with Mayor Joshua Hoyt of Farmington to discuss the ways we can continue to work together to expand access to job training and connect employers with the local workforce they need.
Behind the scenes with Rep. Craig:
One of my favorite parts of my job is being able to welcome Minnesotans to my office in DC! And we’ve decorated it to feel like home – with artwork from local students, photos from around the district and, of course, our commodity prices board. Bonus points for spotting Hayden – my staff assistant from Hastings!
That’s it for this week! Wishing you all a lovely weekend at home in the South Metro – and here’s hoping we get the House of Representatives back up and running soon.
Until next time,
Angie Craig
Member of Congress