BREAKING NEWS: Kroger receives a D- score for failing to protect bees! Tell Kroger to stop selling food grown with BEE-KILLING pesticides! >> Take action now!

Over the last two decades, populations of critical wild bee species have plummeted – some by more than 90%! 1 in every 3 bites of food we eat is thanks to pollinators, meaning our food system is tied to their fate – including the food that Kroger sells.  

But Kroger, the largest traditional supermarket in the nation, continues to sell food grown with toxic pesticides that can KILL BEES! That’s why it scored a dismal D- on Friends of the Earth’s 2023 Bee-Friendly Retailer Scorecard that was just published.  

Every moment Kroger fails to act, more bees are harmed – that’s why we need your help RIGHT NOW, Friend! Will you help PROTECT BEES from toxic pesticides? Send your message to Kroger now!

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One class of pesticides, which we’ve found in some of Kroger and other retailers’ produce, has made U.S. agriculture nearly 50 TIMES more toxic to bees in the past three decades. These deadly pesticides are called neonics, and they’ve also been linked to serious health issues in people. And they can’t be washed off of our food – every part of the plant absorbs the neonic pesticides.  

Meanwhile, Kroger is falling behind its competitors. Retailers like Giant Eagle, Walmart, and Whole Foods – while far from perfect – have taken action to help protect bees.  

Friend, now is a crucial moment for you to send a message to Kroger. Our Bee-Friendly Retailer Scorecard has just been released, and we need to keep the pressure up. If just 1 of every 7 people reading this email takes action, we can help protect pollinators from toxic pesticides. Please, Friend, send your message to Kroger urging the company to STOP selling food grown with bee-killing pesticides!

Standing with you, 
Lisa Archer
Director, Food and Agriculture Team, 
Friends of the Earth 
