BREAKING: Donald Trump is officially under a gag order – after spending months attacking the witnesses and public servants who are holding him accountable for trying to overturn the 2020 election. [1]
This is an extraordinary move – but so is everything about this case, where a former President was willing to destroy the very foundation of our democracy in order to hold onto power. And, stopping Trump’s public intimidation campaign is necessary for a fair trial.
But John, that can only happen if Trump complies. Sign the petition: Trump is not above the law, and must follow this gag order. If he doesn't, he should be held accountable – like any other citizen would be.
Trump stands accused by a federal grand jury of his fellow Americans of serious crimes: including conspiracy to defraud the United States and to deprive the American people of our right to vote and have that vote counted.
These charges are clear and backed by mountains of details from his months-long pressure campaign to overturn the results of the election that he lost in 2020. But that hasn’t stopped Trump from doing everything he can to undermine efforts to hold him accountable.
Since a grand jury of his fellow citizens charged him in August, he has used his social media megaphone to publicly threaten those involved in his case – issuing a blanket threat that “If you go after me, I'm coming for you,” attacking his prosecutors as “deranged” and “a thug,” and even suggesting a key witness could have been subject to capital punishment. [2]
This gag order should stop this violent rhetoric, but only if Trump actually follows it. The truth is, Trump and his cronies are counting on these threats working – and scaring officials out of holding him to account. That’s exactly why we need to speak out right now for the fair and equal rule of law.
No one is above the law – especially not a disgraced, twice-impeached former president who would tear down our democracy to stay in power. Add your name if you agree: Trump must follow this gag order.
I hope you’ll join me today in calling for an accountable, fair, and safe trial.
Thanks for all you do,
Stephen Spaulding, Vice President of Policy and External Affairs
and the team at Common Cause
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