1. What’s next with the H2Hubs program

With the seven hubs in the Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs program (H2Hubs) created by the bipartisan infrastructure law, you may wonder what's next. ClearPath outlines several next steps including:
- Getting clarity from the Treasury on the 45V hydrogen production tax credit.
- Permitting midstream infrastructure to distribute and store hydrogen.
- Developing a plan for hydrogen offtake.
2. Coming up… COP28 UAE

The big, two-week international climate conference called COP — which stands for ‘Conference of the Parties,’ will be hosted by the United Arab Emirates from November 30 through December 12.
ClearPath will have a delegation attending and aims to engage business and government leaders on advancing clean energy technologies, such as advanced nuclear and carbon dioxide removal.
Plug in: Check out Government Affairs Associate Mallory Shaevsky's blog on last year’s trip to Eygpt for a closer look at ClearPath’s perspective from COP27.
3. Nuclear energy licensing in the NDAA

The bipartisan ADVANCE Act was included in the U.S. Senate-passed National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) in July, and Axios reports that House Energy and Commerce (E&C) Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) sounds optimistic about including these nuclear energy provisions in the House version.
What's clear: There is bipartisan interest in improving the licensing process for the next generation of nuclear reactors, and bills like the ADVANCE Act — which passed the Senate on July 27 of this year — is an important step to creating more streamlined and workable licensing processes.
Plug in: Learn more about the ADVANCE Act here.
4. Savita Bowman speaks at NASEO’s 2023 Annual Meeting
Senior Program Manager Savita Bowman spoke on a panel at the National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO) on “Decarbonizing America’s Energy System,” earlier this week in Portland, OR. NASEO advocates the interests of the State Energy Offices to Congress and federal agencies.
What's clear: Bowman highlighted the impact of recent investments in clean technology solutions across many industries and the need for more states to receive Class VI primacy for carbon sequestration wells. The program also examined opportunities and barriers to deploying renewable natural gas, carbon capture, hydrogen and more low-carbon solutions.
5. Follow DOE Awards with our infrastructure tracker

As the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) continues to announce awards funded by the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA), ClearPath's energy infrastructure tracker is an accountability tool for stakeholders to keep track of award selections and projects moving forward.
- The real-time tracker documents the DOE’s actions on programs authorized by the Energy Act of 2020 and is funded by the IIJA.
- The interactive map shows where funds are allocated by state and energy technology.
- This week, the DOE announced $3.5 billion for grid modernization and resilience projects across 44 states: the biggest investment in America’s electric grid to date.
- The DOE also announced a $9.5 million funding opportunity to enhance hydropower flexibility.