Did you know that for all the money being spent on water quality projects in Florida, the state has no comprehensive, authoritative list of which projects should get priority in terms of funding and start date?
And wouldn’t it be better — for the environment, and for taxpayers — if the state had a more efficient process for reviewing, approving, prioritizing and funding projects, to ensure the biggest bang for the buck?
That’s the provocative question posed in a new report from the nonprofit Florida TaxWatch, which calls on the state to develop a “comprehensive, coordinated, multi-year statewide plan for selecting and funding water projects,” similar to the process by which the state prioritizes transportation dollars.
On the surface it makes a lot of sense — though it may be easier said than done. But Florida’s water problems aren’t going away; given this, we’ve got to develop a more systematic approach, if those problems are ever going to be solved.
For a closer look at the new report and what it could mean, check out our blog.