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Photo: back view of people on bus

Buses are brilliant – let's keep them moving!


Did you see the Government's recent 'plan for drivers'? It had plenty to say about so-called 'anti-car' measures, but one of the things we found most worrying was what it said about bus lanes. It proposed weakening bus lane provision, giving cars more priority.

We know this would be bad news for all road users, including motorists.

Bus lanes and other bus priority measures work! They make bus journeys quicker and more reliable, which encourages more people to choose the bus. A single full bus can replace up to 75 cars on our roads, so more bus users means less traffic on our roads. That's good news for everyone.

What's more, bus lanes are popular. Earlier this month we commissioned a poll which showed that seven out of 10 people think buses should have priority over cars on busy roads.

So let's speak up against divisive rhetoric that pitches bus users against drivers. Let's speak up for bus lanes. 

If you don't want bus users to be snarled up in traffic, please use our simple form to tell your MP that bus lanes are important.

Email your MP about bus lanes

Ray, a bus user and campaigner from West Yorkshire, told us how bus priortiy measures make a difference:

"In 1970, my local bus service ran every 10 minutes, and used nine buses. It now needs 15 buses due to slow traffic and they have cut it to every 15 minutes. If we had bus lanes I reckon we would soon be back to every 10 minutes or maybe even better" - Ray

Let's keep buses moving!

Thanks and all the best


Paul Tuohy
Chief Executive, Campaign for Better Transport

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