Friend --

Today, the Supreme Court is hearing arguments on a case that will be a bellwether for whether they eventually overturn Roe v. Wade.

Here's the background: In 2014, Louisiana lawmakers passed an extremely restrictive anti-choice law that is a near clone of a bill passed by the Texas state government. The Supreme Court struck down the Texas law in 2016. But that was before Brett Kavanaugh and Neil Gorsuch joined the Court.

We're in jeopardy of having the first domino fall that will signal the end of Roe. For people today and tomorrow, we must band together and speak out for the right to choose.

Friend, sign our petition and tell the Supreme Court to protect our right to reproductive freedom. I've always believed that those who can become pregnant should be the only ones making decisions about the size and timing of their families. The government has no place regulating people's reproductive freedoms.

Donald Trump ran on the promise of overturning that freedom by nominating anti-choice judges. And now, we're close to that awful promise becoming reality.

We can't simply "hope" that the current Supreme Court will do the right thing. Now is the time to organize and pressure our government to protect one of the most basic bodily freedoms.

Friend, can you sign our petition and protect reproductive freedom for people today and tomorrow? Don't sit on the sidelines. This could be the beginning of the end if we don't act.

- Eddie Mauro

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