JUST IN FROM MSNBC: “Liz Cheney warns of Jim Jordan taking over as House Speaker”
Liz Cheney vs Jim Jordan
SIGN NOW: Expel Jim Jordan from Congress >>
Signatures to expel Jim Jordan

Jim Jordan – an insurrectionist – could become the next Speaker of the House.

If Jim Jordan becomes Speaker: he’d BLOCK every single Democratic bill, STOP Trump’s criminal investigations, and IMPEACH President Biden. 

So Good Democrats from coast-to-coast are calling for his immediate EXPULSION using the 14th Amendment of our Constitution!
U.S. Constitution Amdt 14.S3.1.1 

Disqualification Clause 

“No Person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office...shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.”

We REFUSE to allow traitors and far-right extremists like Jim Jordan to serve one more day in office. Sign the petition now to DEMAND Congress EXPEL Jim Jordan immediately >>

SIGN NOW: Expel Jim Jordan from Congress >>
Thank you for taking a stand.

Democratic Victory Project

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