Dear Patriot, 

Last night I appeared on the Jesse Watters Show to discuss Biden and the Democrat’s reckless foreign policy. See the video clip here:

The topic? You won’t believe it. 

Joe Biden wants to give $100 million in tax dollars to the same Hamas terrorists who just slaughtered 2000 Israeli citizens and at least 50 Americans. 

Please donate today to help send a Republican who will ban funding for terrorists to Washington:

Biden and Marie Perez have weakened us at home by leaving the border wide open, making it easier for potential terrorists to enter our communities. Progressives are calling for the U.S. to take in refugees from Gaza, and Marie has still not disavowed their radicalism. 

Washington’s Third District deserves a representative who will put Americans first. The current administration is making America weak at home and abroad with its radical, open-borders policies.

Please donate to ensure I defeat my radical opponent at You can also opt to make it a recurring contribution by clicking the “Make this Monthly” button.

Marie Perez votes in lockstep with Biden and the Democrats. She will not stand up to the members in her party calling for the U.S. to take in more refugees while our border is overrun. 

You can help get a conservative Republican into Congress by donating today at

Will you please help me meet our goal so we can send a common-sense conservative to Congress?


Joe Kent

PS - If you’re a “hell no” on Biden’s plan to give $100 million to Hamas, support my campaign at

                                  Paid for by the Joe Kent Victory Fund

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