One of the greatest
responsibilities of the American president is to make our country
respected on the world stage and keep our citizens safe at
For most of my life, this was
expected from every president I saw occupy the White House. Even the
ones I disagreed with. I knew I could expect them to act responsibly
in times of international crisis.
But that changed under President Trump.
For four years, we saw him publicly
cozy up to dictators and threaten nuclear war on a whim. His foreign
policy was erratic, ego-driven, and dangerous for the United States
and our democratic allies.
With President Biden in the White
House, there’s not a day that goes by when I’m not proud, and frankly
relieved to see him lead our country. He stood up to Russia’s brutal
invasion of Ukraine. He’s rebuilt relationships with key allies. Now,
he’s demonstrating solidarity with Israel in their time of
There are always going to be events around the world that
require true moral leadership. Joe Biden is the man for the job. He’s
an American president.
latest ad tells that story >>

There’s a whole segment of voters
out there that, above all else, value normalcy and American national
security when they go to the ballot box. This ad is for them. If you
have a swing voter in your life who matches that description, I urge
you to share this ad with them today.