Ground Game Texas


As our kids get ready for joyous Halloween celebrations, our Texas Governor is plotting to undermine public education at the Texas Legislature. The contradiction between the beauty of Texas people and the ugliness of state politics is once again on display.

The latest from our state Capitol: at Abbott’s request, the Legislature is pushing to take $500,000,000 out of the public education budget so that private and religious schools can receive “vouchers” paid for by state taxpayers.

The fight for public education is a fight for the future of Texas. Join Ground Game Texas in holding state officials accountable with a $25 contribution today!

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Let me be clear: Abbott’s push is an attack on civil rights. The schools that would receive “vouchers” are permitted to discriminate against students who have special needs. As admitted in the Legislature this past week, vouchers could even fund “whites only” schools that have zero public accountability or oversight!

We are so thankful to see a broad coalition of parents, grandparents, teachers, students, unions, advocacy groups and more who are working nonstop to prevent vouchers from becoming law. 

Help us keep Abbott’s feet to the fire. Support Ground Game and the work to change Texas politics from the ground up!

With love and respect,

Catina (she/her/ella), COO
Ground Game Texas