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News Analysis
Rashida Tlaib's Friend Hosts Anti-Semitic Hate Rally in DC Hezbollah and Hamas supporters, with calls to burn the Jews Read and Share right-arrow.png
After US Peace Deal, Taliban Resumes Attacks Ironically, the attacks weren't a breach of the agreement. Read and Share right-arrow.png
Why Iran is Corona Virus' Best Ally Mismanagement, religious fanaticism and terror are a lethal combination Listen right-arrow.png
News Analysis
Canada Refuses to Comply With Its Own Terror Law Is this about Justin's love affair with Iran? Read and Share right-arrow.png
Readers Write
Neo-Nazi Tied to Atomwaffen Arrested for Swatting
“What with those asinine masks? Are they in a remake of a bad horror flick?”
- B.J.
NJ City Approves Public Broadcast of Muslim Call to Prayer — Should It?
“Might as well stream in Baghdad 5 x's a day. Followed by the National (USA) Cathedral!! Look at what's happened to parts of London people! Is this what you want for your country?”
- H.A.E.

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