Headways and Bottlenecks
SFTR At City Hall
TRANSIT WEEK: 9/7-9/13
2nd Chance: Muni Metro East Tour
Membership Month


Headways and Bottlenecks with Swiftly
Tuesday August 13

Join us at Swiftly's office for a hands-on workshop using their tools to analyze headways and bottlenecks on Muni. This is a time to *bring your laptop* and help us identify strategic ways to get rapid service on the 22 Fillmore, the 29 Sunset, and the T Third.

611 Mission St, 7th Floor
Tuesday, August 13

Advance registration requested, so we have enough chairs and pizza!


SFTR At City Hall

We spoke up at the engineering hearing this past Friday to let SFMTA know riders need a better Excelsior Safety Project. Since the project was proposed 4 years ago there have been 3 pedestrian deaths and 24 serious crashes. We simply shouldn't have to wait this long and ruin this many lives for safer streets and better transit.

The project adds some pedestrian bulbs and bus bulbs (sidewalk widening for a smoother, quicker ride where the bus doesn't have to move out and back into traffic). The project includes daylighting, which removes some parking spots so intersections have better lines of sight, and includes improved crosswalks. It also improves curb management with loading areas.

Otherwise, the project makes more room for cars to take left turns, and fails to add substantive transit improvements. The project is an almost perfect example of the brokenness of our system to improve our streets and Muni. We will continue to push for solutions to get riders the service improvements we need without waiting for years of outreach.



Transit Week is barely 5 weeks away, and we want to make a splash with more visibility and more engagement than ever. Can you spare an hour or two to help out?

Want to see your elected officials compete to get to city hall on transit? Help us plan it! Want to raise visibility for 30x30, to show support for Rapid service that serves all corners of San Francisco? We need your involvement to make it happen.

Sign up and we'll be in touch to confirm all the details!


Muni Metro East Tour - Friday, August 23

Due to popular demand and the great success of our tour of Muni Metro East in July, we pulled some strings and got a second date! Make sure your membership is current, or you can add the donation to your tour reservation.

The tour takes place about a 10 minute walk from the nearest Muni stop, which happens to be on the T Third, and the tour starts promptly at 4:00 pm, so be sure to plan ahead!

Reserve your spot today, this will likely sell out fast!


Membership Month - you rocked it!

Thank you to everyone who made our second annual Memership Month so much fun and such a success! We raised over $16,000 (beating our goal of $15,000, and clearly conquering last year's $10,000). We received 195 total donations and welcomed 64 new members!

Thanks so much to all the volunteers who made it possible - including Laura, Anthony, Benjamin, Camille, Dominique, Reanna, Daniel, Serena, and Susannah.

And thanks again to the Membership Matching Committee for helping members double their impact: Nick Josefowitz, Roan Kattouw, Thea Selby, Mike Artukovich, Camille Guiriba, Dominique Monie, Peter Straus, and Serena Wales.

And a deep heartfelt thanks to our members - we hope we keep making you proud.

San Francisco Transit Riders
P.O. Box 193341,  | San Francisco, California  94119 

[email protected]
