Did you see our previous email?
We have an important update about the upcoming elections. Voters will have their ballots this week!
The need to ensure voters know what’s really going on in their own backyards is more critical than ever – after all, you cannot trust mainstream media outlets to cover races fairly!
If you've already contributed, we extend our heartfelt thanks. If not, please consider donating $100, $50, or $25 to Shift WA. Your contribution will help us provide more voters with essential insights into their local elections, ensuring an informed and engaged electorate.
Join us in championing transparency by contributing today.
Thank you,
The Shift WA Team
We are at a crucial moment in the 2023 election cycle! Ballots will be on their way this week, and voters across our state will begin to receive them in the mail.
Shift Washington

We are at a crucial moment in the 2023 election cycle! Ballots will be on their way this week, and voters across our state will begin to receive them in the mail.
Now, more than ever, it's essential that we ensure voters have access to accurate and unbiased information beyond what they may hear from mainstream media sources. Unfortunately, the mainstream media has demonstrated an all-too-obvious bias, often operating as a communications arm of the Democrat party.
Please donate now and help support transparent elections in our state.
Thank you,
The Shift WA Team