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“Light came back into my world and life can now start again”, his wife Aleksandra said on learning that he had been freed.
As you have undoubtedly seen or heard in the media, RSF announced yesterday that
Mortaza Behboudi, a journalist with French and Afghan dual nationality, has finally been released.
From the moment of his arrest until his release after 284 days in Afghan jails, we never stopped campaigning. With his wife Aleksandra, his colleagues and his support committee, we kept insisting on his innocence to the Taliban authorities, who unfairly accused him of spying. Day after day, for more than
nine months, we kept repeating that Mortaza is a journalist who was only doing his job. What a relief it was to learn that he had finally been freed!
On behalf of the entire RSF team, I would like to express my heart-felt gratitude for your extremely valuable support during the battle that we have finally won together. In the next few hours, Mortaza will be reunited at last with his wife and loved-ones in Paris.
Many other journalists are still
detained arbitrarily all over the world. They need your support so that one day they may finally recover their freedom as Mortaza Behboudi has.

Thanks for your help

Antoine Bernard, Director for Advocacy and Assistance
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