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Dear Friend,

In Alaska, we recently secured an interim agreement for the State to halve their more than 10,000 person SNAP backlog. We also have an ongoing lawsuit over Missouri’s failure to provide SNAP benefits, and have previously filed litigation to improve the SNAP programs of Connecticut and Georgia. 

Nearly 42 million people use SNAP benefits to pay for food. For low-income communities who don’t have access to generational wealth, public benefits programs like SNAP are vital to their economic security – if they can be accessed. 

We are committed to dismantling barriers and building a necessary and meaningful safety net for all. From lack of translation or interpretation services, to punitive work requirements, to dysfunctional call centers and application websites, there are far too many obstacles that prevent eligible applicants from getting benefits when they need it the most.  

We do this critical work because we are united by the common belief that having food, water, healthcare, and essential family-supporting income are basic human rights and allow all to live with dignity in our communities. 

SIGN IF YOU AGREE: Food, water, healthcare, and essential income are human rights, and we must continue to dismantle barriers to accessing public assistance. 

Thank you,  

Dennis Parker  
Executive Director, National Center for Law and Economic Justice 

The National Center for Law and Economic Justice advances racial and economic justice through ground-breaking impact litigation, policy advocacy, and support for grassroots organizing. We have provided legal representation and support since 1965.
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