John –

Minnesota’s public financing system for campaigns doesn’t work without your help. Read below for all of the details, and then please, make your 2023 refundable $50 donation today!

Thank you!
Team Blaha

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Julie Blaha
Date: Wed, Oct 18, 2023 at 1:23 PM
Subject: coupon
To: Team Blaha


Friend –

I can’t think of anything much better than a good coupon. Literally something for nothing, hardly anything can compare.

Minnesota’s campaign finance system is just like that, and the expiration date of this year’s “coupon” is coming up quickly.

You see, each year, Minnesotans can give up to $50 to any state level candidate (like me!) and the state will reimburse you for the contribution. It’s how we keep the big money from having too much influence in our elections.

That means if you haven’t yet, you only have about 70 days left to use your “coupon” this year. Please, take advantage of this great public financing program by making a $50 contribution to support my campaign today.

It’s that simple. You donate, we send you a receipt, you send it in to the state and they send you $50.

And in the meantime, your free $50 from the state is helping power my campaign and keep me crisscrossing the state in support of Democratic-Farmer-Labor candidates up and down the ballot.

Don’t let this “coupon” go to waste, use it today by making your refundable $50 contirbution!

Thank you,


P.S. Still reading? Take a break and make your $50 contribution today. There’s not a lot of time left!


Minnesotans for Julie Blaha
P.O. Box 17083
Saint Paul, MN 55117
United States