Dear John
Just another reminder of our LIFE CHAIN at Belfast City Hall on Saturday 21st October at 2.00pm. Precious Life has organised the event to mark the 4th Anniversary of Westminster forcing abortion on Northern Ireland.
Pro-life people from across Northern Ireland will line the pavement outside City Hall to remember all those innocent babies who have lost their lives to Westminster’s unjust and barbaric legislation.
At the gates of the City Hall, a poignant display of baby shoes, each with a boy or girl's name attached, will be laid out. Each pair of baby shoes represents an innocent life cruelly taken by abortion in Northern Ireland.
Please join me at our LIFE CHAIN on Saturday and stand IN REMEMBRANCE of the precious babies. Or if you are unable to attend, please unite with us in prayer wherever you are.
Yours, for the least of the little ones,
Bernadette Smyth