We hope you are having a wonderful Summer, well, inbetween the raindrops. Yes, it's liquid sunshine; but sometimes enough is enough.
September 6 we are having Constitional Attorney Robert Barnes for our Fall fundraiser. Mr. Barnes has taken on the burden of representing the young kids from Covington High School that were slandered after their trip to Washington D.C. This was greatly covered in the media. Many members decried all sorts of woe against these innocent young people just for the fact they were there and wearing MAGA hats. Many videos can be found if you do a search on YouTube.
We encourage you to submit questions for the speaker. You can do that on our website at the "Get Involved" tab.
Mr. Barnes and his legal team have also formed a new legal group to help defend our Consititutional rights. It is called, "Free America Law Center". The goal being to defend our Constitutional Rights that are constantly being attacked. Whether it is from an individual, Social Media, or the Main Stream Media; this group is there to help you out. The Right needed something equivelant to the Southern Poverty Law Center; this is the solution.
You can find more at "Free America Law Center"
The General Admission/VIP form is attached. You may pay via Check, or by Card using Eventbrite. The link is on the form. If you would like to be a Sponsor or a member of the Host Committee, please contact Chairman Doug Reimel, Vice-Chair, Michael Struthers, Event Cordinator Darlyn Vigh, or Communications Dir. William Hartmann.
Remember you can alwasy reach us on the website "Contact Us", on Facebook instant messenger.
Website: https://www.12cdrc.org ~ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/12cdrc/
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Paid for by the Michigan 12th Congressional District Republican Committee of Michigan
Not authorized by any Candidate or Candidate's Committee. PO Box 513, Wyandotte, MI 48192