Due to Council rules, effective today, our newsletter will be on sabbatical until after the primary election.
Restrictions on official mail
Rule X(e)(1) of the Council’s Code of Official Conduct prohibits a Councilmember from mailing, at public expense, a mass mailing within the 90-day period that immediately precedes a primary, special, or general election in which the Councilmember is a candidate for office. The term “mass mailing” means the transmission through the mails of more than 100 substantially identical newsletters, news releases, or similar types of material during any 30-day period. This 90-day period begins on March 4, 2020 for the 2020 primary election and August 5, 2020 for the 2020 general election.
Rule X(g)(1) of the Council’s Code of Conduct prohibits the transmission of an electronic newsletter during the 90-day period that immediately precedes a primary, special, or general election in which the Councilmember is a candidate for office.
The term “electronic newsletter” means the transmission through the internet at public expense of more than 500 substantially identical emails during any 30-day period.
Greetings Ward 8 Residents,
Last week, I hosted a meeting at my office with WMATA to get updates on the proposed changes that would affect Ward 8 residents on their bus route travel. After the meeting, my concerns grew about the impact to our residents.
Seventy-two percent of Ward 8 residents do not have cars and those who do use public transportation. Residents should not wake up on the morning of June 29th without their current bus routes operating at full capacity.
There are positive recommended changes in the proposal to include which is why I support the following proposals:
Bus rides free or provides a discount of $2 for people who transfer to or from Metrorail;
New short trip pass especially during off-peak time midday hours;
New weekend bus passes flat fare;
Restore late night hours;
Improving Sunday frequency to match Saturday services;
Lowering the price of the 7-day regional bus pass;
Adjust the senior/disabled fares to half off-peak and off-peak fares; and
Place a flat fare rate of $2 for weekend Metrorail rides.
Bus services are is the lifeline of working-class families across the city. Any reduction in bus services will deepen the already growing inequality and wealth gap in the city. It will create an additional financial burden to families who already must travel farther to their jobs and homes, due to ongoing rapid housing displacement. It is because of these reasons that I do not support the following proposals:
Proposed Metrobus route changes, which include eliminating bus lines across the city. Specifically, the following: 30N, 30S, 34, 32, 36, A4, W5, V1, W1, W2, W3, W4, P6, 92;
Any adjustment or Increase in peak fares;
Charging peak fare prices to customers who ride at night and in the weekends;
Add a $.25 surcharge for cash use; and
Increase the fare on metro extra routes
These proposed bus route changes and fare hikes will adversely impact low-income residents, those living with disabilities, parents and students for whom bus service is the most accessible and safe mode of transportation.
The impact of the proposed changes in the bus routes servicing ward 8 residents would specifically impact over 17,922 riders across the city, according to WMATA bus ridership data.
On February 26th, I testified before WMATA on behalf of Ward 8 residents. We should not be disproportionately adding fare hikes to low-income riders, who have historically and consistently used the bus. If we want to maintain and increase ridership, hiking the fare and cutting bus lines, will force our ward 8 residents to take fewer trips due to cost barriers. Proposals like the $.25 cent surcharge for cash use on top of longer waits at the bus stops, and limited services, will make riding the bus a misery. None of the fare hikes and extra fees will improve ridership. Riding the bus cannot become yet another barrier for working-class families in the District.
It is a pleasure to represent the voices of Ward 8 residents and their concerns in the District of Columbia.

Trayon White, Sr.
Councilmember, Ward 8
Meet Tyron. He will be the store manager of Starbucks in Anacostia. "I am pushing them to hire from the Ward," stated Councilmember Trayon White. Starbucks is looking to hire Ward 8 residents. Starbucks offers a scholarship/tuition program for its employees. Please be sure to inquire.
To inquire, email the store branch at [email protected] .
For philanthropy requests, email [email protected].
WMATA Emergency Bus Route Meeting
WMATA’s proposed FY2021 operating budget totals $2.09 billion. It includes a base operating budget that is within the mandated three percent subsidy growth cap plus costs that are excluded per the legislation. Those budget requirements propelled WMATA to develop proposed changes to bus routes and fare hikes.
William O. Lockridge
Photo Unveiling Ceremony
On February 26th, Councilmember Trayon White celebrated the photo unveiling in honor and celebration of the late William O. Lockridge - former State Board of Education Representative and a champion for Ward 8. May his legacy continue.
Black History Month Celebration
Honoring Our Past; Celebration Our Future
On February 27th, Councilmember White held a Black History Month event to honor and celebrate the achievements of the leaders in Ward 8 and their contributions to the community.
“Black History Month is everyday,” stated Councilmember White. “We have single-handedly used our bodies and spirits to build a great America. So, let’s celebrate and give people their flowers before their gone and celebrated their achievements to Ward 8.”
Frontline Office Hours with
Councilmember Trayon White
On February 29th, Councilmember Trayon White provided Ward 8 residents and business owners with one-on-one sessions to discuss their business needs, community concerns and other related issues.
The next session will be held on March 14th at the Skyland Workforce Center at 1:00pm -3:00pm.
Momma Safe Haven 7th Annual DC Youth Has Talent Black History Show
On February 29th, Councilmember Trayon White was out in the community in support of Mommas Safe Haven at their annual DC Youth's Got Talent event. Over 200 youth acts performed and showcased their talents.
Food Deserts Continue Within D.C.’s Southeast Neighborhoods
Ward 8 Councilmember White: ‘Change is Already Here’
Just a few days ago, Councilmember Trayon White hosted a budget forum at The Temple of Praise in Southeast where he laid out his priorities for the communities he represents and invited residents to share their concerns.
But he took time to speak with The Washington Informer, answering questions particularly focusing on the challenge of food deserts that Ward 8 residents still face and how he’s working toward alleviating the problem.
“As for the delay in building grocery stores that a number of residents had requested, we first decided to hold a food justice walk which helped us to determine where the gaps are,” he said. “But we couldn’t proceed with construction because the funds weren’t there. The two full-service grocery stores currently being built were made possible because we were successful in securing $200,000 in the budget and now being utilized as we realize the requests of our residents and to the benefit of everyone in Ward 8.”
“We’re also building a state-of-the-art urban farm. We’re an agricultural people and so it makes sense to put resources behind this project. It’s reminiscent of what I’ve seen during my visits to Africa. During its peak, the Songhai Empire was one of the most powerful on the continent. They were committed to making the conditions needed so that they could grow their own, fresh produce."
Read full article at the WashingtonInformer.com
With a lawsuit settled, D.C. Council could finally pass subsidy for Anacostia's Reunion Square
Councilmember Trayon White reintroduced legislation on Thursday, February 27, creating a tax-increment financing plan for the long-stalled project in Ward 8. He’d originally hoped to advance the bill back in July, only to see concerns about one of the developers working on Reunion Square, Curtis Investment Group, convince the council to press pause.
With that case resolved, the work on Reunion Square is set to move ahead. White’s legislation calls for the District to issue no more than $25 million in bonds to support the redevelopment, borrowing against future taxes to be levied on the property. Should the bill pass, it would become the first such TIF arrangement used in Ward 8, one of the sections in the city where officials have been most eager to incentivize new development.
And White told the Washington Business Journal he hopes to work with Racine's office to devote at least a portion of the $900,000 settlement to subsidizing affordable senior housing included in the residential portion of the project.
"We're looking forward to addressing the issues of amenities in our community with this, and we want to to be responsive and inclusive of all our residents," White said.
Read full article at the BizJournal.com
We are always looking for ways to better serve our constituents. This survey seeks to obtain information that will provide insight on how we are currently serving our constituents and what we can do to make things better. This survey is completely anonymous and will be used for internal purposes only.
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