No January 6th treatment for these violent insurrectionists. Imagine if they shot someone to death. How is this allowed?
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INSURRECTION: Pro-Terror Genocidal Jew Haters Breach the Capital
This is the poison fruit of the Democrat party of treason.

No January 6th treatment for these violent insurrectionists. Will the FBI post their photos and track them across the country?

imagine if they shot someone to death.

Thousands ...

FUNDING GENOCIDE: Biden just announced “$100 million to the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank”.
VDH nails it.

Are Biden & Co. Sane?

By: Victor Davis Hanson

Joe Biden just announced “$100 million for humanitarian assistance” in Gaza and the West Bank”.

Despite his idiotic caveat that “we will have mechanisms in place so ...

ACTION ALERT! Tell your Senators: No $6 Billion Windfall to Replenish Iran’s Hamas-Terror Fund
The United States of America must stop funding the global jihad and it's sponsors in Iran. Without America jihad funding Iran and its terror proxies, the unspeakable bloodshed and hot wars could never have happened. Think of the Trump years ...

YouTube Sends Notice of ‘Video Processing Issue’ with EIGHT-Year-Old Pamela Geller Video at Brooklyn College
On the morning of Oct. 18, 2023, I received this email from YouTube:

Hi there,

We’re writing to let you know that a video processing issue may have affected some of your videos uploaded before March 2020 and to suggest actions you may ...

Democrat Jew Haters Draft Legislation to Protect Genocidal Islamic Terrorists
Under the guise of a ceasefire, the 21st century American Isalmo-Nazi party seeks to stop Israel from defending herself against blood thirsty terrorists.


Dem Reps Unveil Resolution Calling For Ceasefire In Gaza Following Deadly ...

Hamas Hospital Bombing: Voice Recording Released of Hamas Operatives Admitting To It, Muslim U.S. Congresswomen Incite to Jewish Genocide, Latest Updates
Here's what we know in the cool light of day. Nothing is as it seems and the media is a lethal threat to freedom loving people. As a result of their Jew hating lies, US Embassies were overrun, rioting , Rioting, burning fires, in Lebanon, Jordan, ...

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