Dear Friend,
I appreciate your reading this weekly update and continue to encourage you to forward to your family and friends. As always if you need anything from my office, you can reach us via our Contact Us page or by calling 202-225-5031.
Speaker Designee
This week I voted twice on the House floor in support of Speaker Designee Jim Jordan. It is important that we as the House of Representatives get back to work passing conservative legislation.
Continuing to Stand with Israel
In 1945, when Allied troops walked into the concentration camps in Germany and witnessed firsthand the horrors of the Holocaust, the world cried, “Never again.” The Holocaust led to the tragic ending of 6 million innocent lives. Men, women, and children suffered and died only because of their Jewish faith. The Allies rallied to establish the Nation of Israel in 1948 to give the Jewish people back their homeland. What happened last week in Israel is an atrocity. I am continuing to support legislation to fight against heinous actions committed by Hamas and other terrorist organizations, including by cosponsoring legislation to sanction the use of human shields. I also have joined legislation to support the families of Americans who lost their lives during recent attacks and who are being held hostage even still. I stand with Israel and condemn the evils of Hamas.
Mississippi State University
I want to thank Dr. Mark Keenum for inviting me to speak to his leadership class last week. Dr. Keenum has done an incredible job as the President of Mississippi State University. He has some of the best and brightest students in his class preparing to be the leaders of tomorrow.
Congressional App Challenge Competition
Reminder: middle and high school students are invited to participate in the 2023 Congressional App Challenge. I strongly encourage students of all skill levels to participate, enabling them to learn how to create their own apps. The winner from the Third Congressional District, chosen by a panel of expert judges, will be eligible to be on display in the U.S. Capitol, honoring the winners from across the country. Students entering the competition must submit their app here during the Competition Submission Period through November 1, 2023. For more information, please email Isabelle Boyd on my staff at [email protected].
