Friend, For many adults and children who have attended a Scholastic Book Fair over the past forty years, the memories of wandering around and selecting a book or two to purchase unlocks feelings of nostalgia and excitement as kids learn to appreciate and love literature and learning. Unfortunately, Scholastic has made a troubling decision that will forever tarnish that experience for LGBTQ+ and children of color: that books representing the beauty of their diverse communities belong in a separate “area” of the Fair, and that even including these books is optional to the school district. [1] Just exactly which books does Scholastic think are so controversial that they should be segregated from the rest of what they have to offer? Biographies of civil rights icons Rep. John Lewis, Ruby Bridges, and Martin Luther King Jr.; a biography of Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson; a book that celebrates the diversity of different family structures; poetry books by National Youth Poet Laureate Amanda Gorman; and many more. [1, 2] By implementing this change to their Book Fairs, Scholastic has shamefully given in to right-wing extremists who have sought to censor the content that can be made available in public schools and libraries across the country. We at People For believe this decision to normalize bigotry is completely unacceptable and could result in lasting harm to children everywhere. Add your name now and tell Scholastic that celebrating diversity is NOT optional! >> In a weak attempt to address some of the criticism this decision has resulted in, Scholastic released a statement saying in part that “We don’t pretend this solution is perfect – but the other option would be to not offer these books at all.” [3] We couldn’t disagree more. Scholastic could stand firm by directly confronting the wave of book bans in schools and libraries, and send a powerful message to the nation that they won’t be bullied by right-wing lawmakers and activists. Our children deserve better and to know that their differences should be celebrated – not segregated – by society. Please join us in urging Scholastic to do the right thing. >> Thanks for all that you do, Alana Byrd
Sources: [1] "For Book Fairs, Scholastic Will Separate Titles That Deal With Race and Gender" The New York Times, 10/16/23 [2] "U.S. book bans are taking a toll on a beloved tradition: Scholastic Book Fairs" NPR, 10/17/23 [3] "A Message from Scholastic on U.S. Book Fairs" Press Release, Scholastic, 10/13/23