Clearly, Republicans are still in chaos and continue to put our country at risk with their infighting. But, listen, Jim Jordan is a danger to our country regardless of his position – Speaker or whatever he ends up being at the end of the day – and the fact that Republicans are looking to him as a leader shows how far toward MAGA Extremism the party has gone.

Jerry is ready to fight back. He has never backed down from Jordan or any other MAGA extremist, but he needs your help. Chip in now to help Jerry fight back against Republican extremism and the growing threats to our democracy:
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If someone, or some political party, shows you who they are, believe them. Jim Jordan and the Republican party by supporting him, has shown voters how extreme they are.

Jordan is an anti-democratic, conspiracy theorist, Trump sycophant who will do whatever it takes to send Trump back to the White House. He wants to cut Social Security and Medicare, and is one of the most extreme on Republicans’ so-called “culture wars.”

Jerry has, and will continue, to fight back against Jordan's lies and abuse of power, whether it’s in the Judiciary Committee or as Speaker of the House.

Democrats stand united and stronger than ever, but this will be a tough fight and Jerry is ready to lead the charge.

If you stand with Jerry and Democrats, contribute now to help them fight back.

Thank you,

Team Nadler


As Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee, Jerry Nadler has oversight over some of the most important issues facing America. As a strong progressive, Jerry believes in justice for all and a democracy that represents people, not special interests. He is proud to fight for his New York City constituents in Congress. Click here to chip in and help Jerry keep fighting for a democracy that lives up to its ideals.


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Nadler for Congress
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