Dear John,

We are writing to urgently ask you to take action to demand the U.S. end all military support to Israel and for an immediate cease fire. The focus should be on President Biden and Congress. Jewish Voices for Peace has links to sample letters to Biden and how to call members of the Senate.  
Call your Senators and demand a ceasefire. Ask your Representatives to support Rep. Cori Bush's Ceasefire Now Resolution, supported by several progressives in Congress. Senators and Congresspersons can be reached by calling the Capital switchboard at 202-224-3121.
If there is a JVP chapter or Palestinian support group in your area, attend their meetings and ask how you can help mobilize support. Broader coalitions are necessary though building them make take some time.
Here's a petition to demand an immediate ceasefire.  We also urge participation in protests aimed at our government to achieve these objectives. Clubs around the country have been very active in joining local protests. Keep up the good work!  Our slogans should focus on a ceasefire and ending U.S. military support. Additional protests can be found here.  We're also looking into ways to provide material support to our fraternal parties in Palestine and Israel including a fundraising concert. 
As the criminal bombing of the hospital in Gaza resulting in several hundred deaths demonstrates, the time to act is now! Other actions include writing letters to the editor using our party's statement as a guide, along with op eds in newspapers. Additional demands should include removing U.S.  naval ships from the coasts of Gaza and Israel. Releasing releasing hostages could also contribute to a cease fire. We condemn attacks on civilians and acts of terror no matter what their source.  Please be sure to send photos and videos of the various protests to [email protected]
We'll be in contact soon regarding additional activities.
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