Urge your Members of Congress to support the laws and policies that protect seabirds, fisheries, and our communities. 

Urge your Members of Congress to support the laws and policies that protect seabirds, fisheries, and our communities. 

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National Audubon Society
Join Us to Speak Up For Seabirds
A Least Tern feeds their chick on the sand.
Urge your Members of Congress to support the laws and policies that protect seabirds, fisheries, and our communities. 
Take Action
Seabirds like Least Terns rely on small, schooling ocean fish known as forage fish.
Dear Friend,

Seabirds are indicators of the planet’s health—when they’re in trouble, so are we. Seabirds have declined globally by 70 percent in the last 70 years. Climate change, overfishing, and human development are making it harder for these birds to survive. 

This week, Audubon on Campus members from across the country are in Washington, DC meeting with key Members of Congress in support of seabirds—and you can add your voice at this critical moment. 

Urge your Members of Congress to support the laws and policies that protect seabirds and people.

Seabirds like pelicans and terns rely on small, schooling ocean fish known as forage fish to fuel their migrations throughout the hemisphere. These forage fish like herring and menhaden make up the base of the entire ocean food chain, but they are threatened by overfishing and the impacts of climate change. Declining forage fish populations mean seabirds often can’t find enough to eat.

Seabird habitats like wetlands, rivers, and barrier islands are shrinking due to issues like climate change and human development. These same issues also affect people—we need healthy wetlands, rivers, and coastlines to protect us from increasing floods, storms, and sea-level rise.

Together, we can speak up to ensure that our decision-makers support the laws and policies that protect seabirds from threats like overfishing, habitat loss, and climate change. 

Tell your Members of Congress that they must act to protect seabirds, fisheries, and our communities.
Bethany Kraft
Senior Director, Coastal Conservation
National Audubon Society
Take Action
Least Tern. Photo: Kathy Cline/Audubon Photography Awards
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