Peace cannot happen through war. Instead, violence gives rise to more violence and more destruction. We’re seeing that play out now between Russia and Ukraine and between Israel and Palestine with China and the U.S. and its allies on the brink of war over Taiwan.
The pathway for building real peace is to end our reliance on militarism and to shift the narrative so we all believe and know it’s possible to do this. Peace is not possible with any dependance on or justification of war.
This belief is what World BEYOND War was founded on and is the foundational tenet from which all of our work is based and built. Through our various programs, we are breaking down the myths that militarism is inevitable and necessary and showing that militarism itself relies on our belief in this myth (including these wars happening right now!). We are changing minds to say ‘no more’ to war and to replace it with a secure and just peace.
But to do this, we need your help. Global conflicts are escalating, threats of nuclear warfare have increased, and violence perpetrated at the hands of state actors has permeated our news feeds as if it’s all normal and even expected and acceptable. We have no more time to normalize such horrific acts of violence. Will you join World BEYOND War in working towards a just and sustainable peace?
One of the easiest and most helpful ways you can do this is to become a small dollar donor (or by all means, a big dollar donor if you have the means!). At present, we have about 200 recurring monthly donors who bring in about $4,000 a month. This is a significant amount of money for a small but resourceful organization like ours. But, unfortunately, this number has decreased fairly significantly in the past several months due in large part to people tightening their belts as result of precarious economies and global inflation - reasons we fully understand and empathize with. But we have always relied on our monthly sustaining donors as a huge piece of our fundraising efforts. A pool of monthly donors helps us project future budgets and plan programs. It also helps us in rapid response programming and actions - strategies that are becoming more common as violence erupts around the world and U.S. militarism in particular is expanding at rapid rates.
We are hoping to get back to where we were last year at this time and have 300 recurring donors and/or raise $5000 a month. That would mean, if 100 of you sign up for a $10 a month donation, we would hit our fundraising goal. Will you be one of the 100 and help us bring in a bit more money each month to help offset our growing expenses so we can continue to do the work we’re doing to end war? If you make a $15 a month or more recurring monthly donation, you can choose a free gift!
A donation of any amount is deeply appreciated. Click here.
If you're a current recurring donor and would like to increase your contribution, here's how you can do that!
Thank you so much for your support and all you do to help end war!
Alex McAdams, Development Director
World BEYOND War is a global network of volunteers, chapters, and affiliated organizations advocating for the abolition of the institution of war.
Donate to support our people-powered movement for peace.
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World BEYOND War | 513 E Main St #1484 | Charlottesville, VA 22902 USA
World BEYOND War | 450, 4-2 Donald Street | Winnipeg, MB R3L 0K5 Canada