Hamas: Genocidal Hatred and Jihad against All 'Unbelievers'
by Uzay Bulut • October 18, 2023 at 5:00 am
Hamas terrorists invaded Israel, near the Gaza Strip. They murdered hundreds of civilians, took hostages (including children and the elderly), beheaded babies, burned people alive, shot children in front of their parents, shot parents in front of their children, and fired thousands rockets and missiles into a country smaller than New Jersey.
As of this writing, Hamas has killed more than 1,400 people in Israel since October 7; wounded more than 4,200 people, and abducted 199 hostages who were taken to unknown locations in Gaza.
Hamas, a jihadist organization, has a charter that calls for the obliteration of Israel and the extermination of the Jewish people.
Even though there are now no Jews left in the Gaza Strip, that is not enough for Hamas. Backed by Iran, Turkey and Qatar, Hamas is now the main organization perpetrating terrorist attacks on civilian targets throughout Israel. On October 7, Hamas breached Israel's security barrier at the Gaza border with explosives and bulldozers, and thousands of Hamas terrorists poured into Israel, launching a massive war.
Hamas's aggression against Israel is not a squabble over land or "settlements." To Hamas and many Palestinians, the whole of Israel is one big settlement that needs to be ripped up by the roots and eradicated.
Meanwhile, the Palestinian-Arab leadership has rejected offers for a Palestinian state at least six times in the past 90 years, without so much as a counter-offer: in 1937, 1947, 1967, 2000, 2008 and in 2020. All the offers were made by or accepted by the Jews.
The reason for the current Palestinian-Arab statelessness is their own political leaders who have rejected all these offers and instead chosen war and terrorism over peaceful coexistence.
Seventy-five years after the establishment of the State of Israel, Muslim fanatics still hope to destroy it.
"The Koran defines the kafir and says that the kafir is hated (40:35), mocked (83:34), punished (25:77), beheaded (47:4), confused (6:25), plotted against (86:15), terrorized (8:12), annihilated (6:45), killed (4:91), crucified (5:33), made war on (9:29), ignorant (6:111), evil (23:97), disgraced (37:18), cursed (33:60), stolen from (Bukhari 5,59,537), raped (Ishaq 759) and a Muslim is not the friend of a kafir (3:28)." — Dr. Bill Warner, July 17, 2008.
"Christians and Jews are infidels, but infidels are kafirs, too. ....Polytheists are Hindus, but they are also kafirs. The terms infidel and polytheist are religious words. Only the word "kafir" shows the common political treatment of Christian, Jew, Hindu, Buddhist, animist, atheist and humanist." — Dr. Bill Warner, July 17, 2008.
Turkey's Islamist government -- and Iran's and Qatar's -- have for years been a lifeline for the Hamas jihadists.
Iran, Qatar and Turkey -- the "heads of the snake" -- must not be allowed to get a pass. They all have to be held accountable. The US should relocate its airbase in Qatar to its real ally, the United Arab Emirates.

On October 7, the terrorist group Hamas initiated deadly attacks against Israel.
Hamas terrorists invaded Israel, near the Gaza Strip. They murdered hundreds of civilians, took hostages (including children and the elderly), beheaded babies, burned people alive, shot children in front of their parents, shot parents in front of their children, and fired thousands rockets and missiles into a country smaller than New Jersey (roughly 22,000 km2). As of this writing, Hamas has killed more than 1,400 people in Israel since October 7; wounded more than 4,200 people, and abducted 199 hostages who were taken to unknown locations in Gaza. Hundreds remain missing.
Hamas, a jihadist organization, has a charter that calls for the obliteration of Israel and the extermination of the Jewish people. The US, EU and many other countries have designated Hamas a terrorist organization.