

Where are the reasonable Republicans left in their caucus who’ll stand up to the far right?


From day one, Eric has promised to work with anyone – regardless of party – who is interested in solving the real problems our community faces.


But in nominating Jim Jordan for Speaker, it’s clear only one party is serious about delivering for the American people.


We have to come together to end this Republican-created chaos and get Congress back to working for us. Chip in $5 today.


Jim Jordan has tried to overturn the 2020 elections using conspiracy theories, has obstructed investigations into his colleagues’ behavior, and led the charge on multiple government shutdowns. In other words, this isn't a serious proposal.


At a time when Congress has been brought to a standstill by extremists, the last thing we need is another MAGA hardliner.

Eric is ready to work across the aisle to lower costs for working families and make our communities safer. With a Speaker Jordan, that opportunity likely can’t happen.


Future generations depend on us being able to come together to do what’s right for the people of the 17th District. It starts by clearing out extremism from the House.


Donate $5 today to protect a critical swing-seat keeping the extremism from House control.



Eric Sorensen HQ



Paid For By Eric Sorensen for Illinois

Eric Sorensen is a meteorologist born and raised in Rockford, IL representing IL-17 in Congress. He’s seen firsthand the importance of establishing trust with the community, and he’s determined to use his expertise as a climate communicator to fight for Illinoisans on environmental justice and more in Washington. To support Eric, consider making a grassroots contribution here.

P.O. Box 1172 Moline, IL 61265 United States