While House Republicans have yet to come together behind a new Speaker, it’s worth noting that not one of the people in contention is fit for the job.
All the candidates who’ve thrown their hats in the ring — and those who have already withdrawn (like Steve Scalise) — are dangerous extremists who will use the gavel to push far-right policies and shield Donald Trump.
I even went on MSNBC to talk about it (you can find the entire video here).

In just a second, I’d like to give you my two cents on just a few of the Republicans vying for Speaker, but before I do that: Would you be willing to chip in $25 toward my campaign to keep KY-03 blue so we can elect a Democratic Speaker in 2024?
Jim Jordan is a far-right extremist who has used his position as chair of the judiciary committee to protect Trump and take revenge on his political opponents.
Austin Scott supports a constitutional amendment that would outlaw same-sex marriage.
There are even rumors that Kevin McCarthy — the guy who got us into this mess in the first place — could potentially be nominated again.
And please, please don’t even get me started on the “Trump for Speaker” rumors being parroted by some of the most fringe members of the Republican caucus.
Ultimately, it really doesn’t matter who wins, because our goal remains the same: Flip the House and elect a Democratic Speaker. Will you chip in $25 to help make the next Republican Speaker’s tenure as short as possible?
—Morgan McGarvey
